Plus, how Kathy Hochul may be worse than Andrew Cuomo, and more…
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May 1, 2023
E. Jean Carroll Could Win Her Defamation Suit Against Trump. Will the GOP Even Care?
A Manhattan jury may decide that the rape claims against the former president are credible, setting Republicans up for another moral test they will surely fail.
by Michael Tomasky
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—Michael Tomasky, editor
Federal regulators know when banks are teetering. They issue warnings—but little else. And the banks ignore them anyway.
by Timothy Noah
Forget Tucker Carlson. There are bigger fish to fry.
by Michael Tomasky
The New York governor’s promising tenure has been badly diminished by an array of puzzling decisions.
by Raina Lipsitz
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Landlords have one of their own in the state legislature. She and her allies are looking to stick it to renters.
by Sam Russek
This lawsuit has it all: tangled politics, obscure legal doctrines, and the possibility of the Supreme Court again upending American life.
by Matt Ford
From The Ticker:
Machaela Cavanaugh says she’ll do whatever it takes to stop the anti-trans bill in her state.
by Tori Otten
Even Fox is admitting on air that the policies it pushes aren’t all that popular with voters.
by Prem Thakker



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