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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Where's the Printer Friendly Option?

When is the last time you read an article/blog/etc. on the Internet and saw a button for a print friendly version? That used to be something on every page, and one people often shared on social media (or email) because it didn't have all the advertisements in it. I remember having to help code this feature on SQL Server Central when we started as plenty of people wanted to print articles out and read them later. That desire led to Andy brainstorming that we should release The Best of books each year.

I was reading about how the Internet has changed many things in our lives and I thought about these links. I searched a number of places I visit often and there are no more printer links. I'm guessing with mobile devices and various save services, most people have gotten used to using digital technology to consume information?

I still print things at times, though fairly rarely. I don't often consume anything on physical media anymore, including books. I've tried to read a few times on paper, but it's inconvenient to me now. I have to remember to pack something or carry it, I need a light often, it just doesn't work as well.

I rarely see paper in use in meetings anymore at all. Whether I'm at a Redgate office or a customer site, most people seem to have monitors, projectors, sharing apps, and more so paper is just rarely used.

At the same time, it's not completely out of date. It works well and it's simple. I see it used for announcements, for small handouts, signs, and menus. Quite a few of us don't like the digital menus from QR codes and it seems most restaurants I've visited still create physical menus. Signs and announcements are the places I still see paper in use regularly. I will say I've seen a few people (a very few) using e-ink devices, which is something I'm tempted to use. I do find writing helps me remember things better.

The world continues to create more and more data, while finding more numerous and novel ways to disseminate it. For much of the time, the paperless office exists, and I see less and less use of paper for distributing information, but it hasn't completely disappeared. Except, perhaps, from the web.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

  Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

Display More Than 8000 Characters (SQL Spackle)

Jeff Moden from

SQL Server MVP Jeff Moden shows us a quick and dirty bit of SQL Spackle to display the content of VARCHAR(MAX) and NVARCHAR(MAX).

External Article

Storing and Retrieving the Initialization and Configuration Data for Applications

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

All developers hit the problem of how and where to store and set their configuration, profile, or initial data. A long time ago, it was generally decided that simple text files containing key/values were best, stored with the application. After all, you are relying on being able to entice busy people to get the permanent settings right for their requirements, folks who are generally not interested in your elegant computer science constructs. Not only that, but the settings must be parsed very quickly and efficiently, otherwise a process that uses the tool will slow to a crawl.

External Article

Why customers love SQL Prompt

Additional Articles from Redgate

SQL Prompt has long been a customer favorite thanks to its ability to boost productivity. Discover how fellow database professionals are leveraging SQL Prompt to accelerate their coding speed and improve code quality.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Parsing EXE Output in PowerShell

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from The Voice of the DBA

I saw a post internally that asked this question: Anyone have a handy powershell script testing if the installed flyway version matches a specific string? That seemed simple, but...

The Phoenix Project

The Phoenix Project

Additional Articles from SQLServerCentral

In this newly updated and expanded edition of the bestselling The Phoenix Project, co-author Gene Kim includes a new afterword and a deeper delve into the Three Ways as described in The DevOps Handbook.


  Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


How are statistics stored?

How are the statistics for query optimization stored in SQL Server?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



  Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Memory-Optimized Tables Memory

Memory-Optimized tables should fit in memory to work efficiently. Aside from the data size, how much overhead is required for each row?

Answer: A 24 byte timestamp and an 8 byte pointer for each index

Explanation: The overhead is a 24 byte timestamp and 8 bytes for each index. Ref: Memory for the table -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Development
Error 28054 related to master key root cause and solution required - I am getting the following error in SQL Server Error Log randomly on few days. I want to know the root cause for this error so that we can decide on applicable solution for this particular error. Service Broker needs to access the master key in the database. Error code:32. The master key has to […]
How to attach Database created in higher version to lower version of SQL Server - I have attempted to attach a database created in a higher version of SQL Server to a lower version, but I encountered errors. I also tried the backup and restore method, which resulted in errors as well. According to the following link, I explored several options but was unsuccessful: 1. Generate Scripts Wizard in […]
Development - SQL Server 2014
Query to return all data that has same site, section and date - I have a query Select Id, WOCode, Site, Section, CompletionDate from work orders where type = 'BRE'. I want to be able to return list of all WOCode that has same Site,Section and CompletionDate. The date field will be date only with no time
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
sql monitoring tool - Has anybody had any experience with Nagios as a SQLServer monitoring tool. What were the pros and cons you had faced while using it. Please advise.
Failed restore database - Hi All , I have issue restoring small database . SQL version : SQL 2014 In the server , At first I took a backup of database ( bak file ) and compressed it . Then I copied ( standard copy ) to my local laptop from server , after that I copied back to […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
max and min dates - Hi I am trying to get the first and last days for the following where date_next_compare is less than 28 but having more than that would mean the max date for that range. Sorry if isn't clear. I currently have this:   I want to see two rows like below. I tried doing min and […]
Pivot Mistake - Hi all, I have this query where I make a pivot to extract the data segmented by Hours: select ‘Amount’ as Amount, [0] ,[1] ,[2] ,[2] ,[3] ,[4] ,[5] ,[6] ,[7] ,[8] ,[9] ,[10] ,[11] ,[12] ,[13] ,[14] ,[15] ,[16] ,[17] ,[18] ,[19] ,[20] ,[21] ,[22] ,[23] from (select sum(efeneg) ‘Amount’,left(hormsg,2) ‘Time’,left(hormsg,2) ‘Time’,left(hormsg,2) ‘Time’. from […]
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What is Azure Data Studio or GitHub asking me? - I have an Azure Data Studio question (or maybe it's a GitHub question, I'm not sure), but I couldn't find a forum here to ask it. So, please excuse my asking it here. I am busy writing a T-SQL script, using Azure Data Studio. I committed my changes locally, then I tried pushing them to […]
How do data visualization consultants overcome the challenge of integrating? - Integrating multiple data sources is challenging due to differences in data formats, structures, and quality. Data visualization consultants must first establish data connections and ensure consistent data formatting. This often involves using ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes to clean and combine data. They must also handle data refreshes and ensure that integrated data is up-to-date. […]
SQL Server 2022 - Administration
Memory grants pending root cause - Recently I got sql alerts from one of QA servers, every 2 or 3 hours. DESCRIPTION:   The SQL Server performance counter 'Memory Grants Pending' (instance 'N/A') of object 'Memory Manager' is now above the threshold of 0.00 (the current value is 1.00).COMMENT:        Ideally there should be no processes waiting for memory and this should = […]
SQLExternalMonitoring what is it in sp_who2 result - If I run sp_who2, one of item in the list is showing using program SQLExternalMonitoring , what is it? it uses quite a bit cpu and ram. 70 sleeping NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM SNOCSMASQP01 . master AWAITING COMMAND 170846212 57458731 09/26 10:31:41 SQLExternalMonitoring 70 0   Thanks,
Linked Server to SAP HANA database. - Greetings all.  It's been a very long time, but I'm back.  Does anyone have experience with setting up a linked server to a SAP HANA database?  I have hanaclient-2.8.20-windows-x64 installed and a DSN created using the HDBODBC driver that comes with the client install.  I am able to use the DSN to connect with generic […]
SQL job & SSIS package excution - Hi SQL experts, We have installed SQL Server with 2022 and using this as SSIS server. SSIS DB is the only one database on this server. We deployed a SSIS package, which is scheduled to run every 1 hr through SQL agent job. The job is failing sometimes & running successfully other times.  The job […]
SQL Server 2022 - Development
SQL Query Optimizer Supporting Parameterized Query and WHERE Clause Optimization - I am looking for a SQL query optimization tool that can enhance my query execution times. I have already tried EverSQL and SQL Tuning, but they are not meeting my requirements for the following reasons: 1. Parameterized Queries: Both tools seem to struggle with parameterized queries and do not optimize them correctly. 2. WHERE Clause […]


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