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Recognize an MSP on your team!
Monday, December 7, 2020

Featured Content

Distinguishing between discoverable and protected credentialing material

From state to state, the effectiveness of protecting credentials documents from legal discovery varies widely. Most states have fairly strong protections, but a handful of states are exceptions to this rule. In most jurisdictions, credentialing forms, such as the following, are discoverable by attorneys.

Recognize a fellow MSP!

As we enter the holiday season, the CRC team is taking time to reflect on what we're grateful for and, more than ever, we're thankful for each other. Is there a member of your team that you're especially grateful for this year? We want to know! Email CRC editor Karla Accorto at kaccorto@hcpro.com with their name, organization, email address, and a few sentences about what makes them such a great MSP and team member. Your nominated MSP could be featured in an upcoming issue of our Credentialing Resource Center Digest! Additionally, to see our latest MSP shout-out, click here


CRC Member Exclusive

AMA sets new policies on racism and bullying prevention in healthcare

The American Medical Association (AMA) has adopted new policies recently, including prevention of bullying among healthcare professionals and recognition of racism as a public health threat. According to The Joint Commission, intimidating and disruptive behavior in healthcare settings is associated with medical errors, poor patient satisfaction, and preventable adverse outcomes. In June, the AMA Board of Trustees recognized the health consequences of violent police interactions and called racism an urgent threat to public health.

Take our Credentialing Resource Center member survey

Don’t miss your chance to be heard! To help us ensure that we continue to deliver a solution that best meets the needs of our valued customers like you, we hope that you can spare 10 to 15 minutes to complete our 2020 Credentialing Resource Center Member Survey. Additionally, the first 100 respondents will receive a $10 Starbucks gift card!





Product Spotlight

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Contact Us

Karen Kondilis
Managing Editor
Credentialing Resource Center

35 Village Road, Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949

For advertising and marketing opportunities with the Credentialing Resource Center, please email rcardoso@simplifycompliance.com.



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