Credit cards are one of the most popular ways to borrow money, largely because of how convenient they are. You can buy what you want, up to your credit limit, and pay it back on your own schedule. All you need to do is make your minimum payment every month, which is typically just a small portion of the total balance.
Unfortunately, that convenience comes at a cost. Most credit cards have extremely high interest rates -- the average on cards that are assessed interest is over 23%, according to recent Federal Reserve data. So, it's usually not a good idea to carry a balance.
But what if you have expenses coming up that you won't be able to pay off right away? Or what if you've already put some big bills on your credit card, and now you're stuck with costly debt? Well, there is one type of card that could help: A 0% intro APR credit card.
As the name suggests, you get a 0% APR for an introductory period. That rate could apply to purchases you make with your card or balance transfers you bring over from other cards. And whichever one you need, this top credit card has you covered, because it offers both.
It has a long 0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers, lasting well into 2026. After the introductory period ends, the go-to variable APR applies going forward. You could use that time to pay down purchases you make, refinance credit card debt, or both of the above.
That's already a valuable perk, but it's just the tip of the iceberg with this card. Here are a few more of its benefits: