Good morning, Marketer, hope you’ve got great plans for the long weekend.

Having trouble getting the talent you need? There’s a solution, one that will improve your organization far beyond filling a particular role. The solution: Diversity. Attracting applicants from historically marginalized groups and making your business a place where they will flourish helps your bottom line. This has been proven repeatedly in multiple studies

So, why don’t more companies do it? Dr. Lauren Tucker addresses that issue and makes concrete recommendations in today’s article on the gender pay gap in martech. She’s a great speaker and I learn so much whenever I get to hear her. Below are some articles on why DEI is essential for marketing and how to implement it. Also, Tony Byrne of Real Story Group on five things in martech that are guaranteed to endure. 

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

MarTech Salary and Career: The meritocracy myth vs. the real gender pay gap

Woman in martech earn an average of 0.70¢for every $1 a man earns.

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By the numbers: Diversity and inclusion are good business

Improves stock and revenue performance, hiring and retention, and customer acquisition and loyalty.

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Webinar: Next-Level Email Strategy Requires Conversation Automation

Traditional, one-way email nurture just can’t provide the kind of personalized, back-and-forth experience needed to move lukewarm leads to sales-ready status. Take the next step.

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Measuring diversity in advertising: A challenge of scale

The Geena Davis Institute for Gender in Media is partnering with creative analytics platform CreativeX to give brands the ability to measure representation across all their advertising content.

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The business imperative behind inclusion and diversity

How to manage, enrich and diversity your talent portfolio

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The onus of diversity should not fall to Black marketers

Keys to diversity and inclusion in our industry include mentorship and promotion of Black search marketers.

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5 best practices for bringing together all your marketing data

Drive personalization and increase customer lifetime value by overcoming the fragmented-data problem.

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5 enduring trends in martech

Top five predictions for what will remain unchanged about marketing technology in the next ten years.

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

Part art. Part asset. All awesome. Download MarTech’s Email Marketing Periodic Table now to understand the elements that go into successful email marketing campaigns.

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