In this issue, May 15, 2018 View it in your browser.

Diversity, WebAssembly, Google I/O, NVIDIA Jetson, AWS EC2 Fleet, Microsoft Build , Building Starling Bank in Java, .NET Core 3 , Angular 6, AndroidX, Security

Registration is Open for the 12th Annual QCon San Francisco: Nov 5-9, 2018!

The 12th QCon San Francisco conference returns to the Hyatt Regency San Francisco from Nov 5-9, 2018 (Conference 5-7; Workshops 8-9). Make sure you save the date and take advantage of the best possible rates by registering soon. Save up to $840 if you register before June 9th!



MIT Tech Review: Unlocking the Power of IoT with Real-Time Monitoring.

Gain insights into: The rise of IoT and analysts’ predictions for the future; why IoT projects fail and how to avoid them; how APM drives IoT deployment success, and more. Download Now.

The InfoQ eMag: Gender, Race, Age and Neurodiveristy for Software Developers

This eMag draws together ideas that have been published on InfoQ over a number of years, presenting a wide range of aspects of diversity and ways that individuals, teams and organisations can create environments where diversity thrives, people are respected and outcomes are more successful. (eMag)

Colin Eberhardt on What WebAssembly Is, and Plans for Version 2.0

In this podcast Wes talks to Colin Eberhardt, the technology director at Scott Logic, about what WebAssembly (WASM) is, a bit of the history of JavaScript, and plans for WebAssembly 2.0 including the threading model and GC. (Podcast)

CA Agile Leaders on the Using Data and Creating a Safe Environment to Drive Strategy

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Shannon Mason, Laureen Knudsen and Steve Wolfe about a wide range of topics, from agile marketing and using data effectively to drive strategy, to organisation incentives and neuroscience. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. What’s New in Azure Machine Learning?

  2. Google Upgrades Its Speech-to-Text Service with Tailored Deep-Learning Models

  3. Google I/O Opening Keynote Featured ML Kit, Google Assistant, TPU 3.0 & Host of Other Announcements

Back to the Future: Demystifying Hindsight Bias

Enterprise AI has more prevalent nuances in the input data than in consumer AI or academia. The Achilles’ heel in this domain is Hindsight Bias. In layman terms, it is like Marty McFly (from Back to the Future) traveling to the future, getting his hands on the Sports Almanac, and using it to bet on the games of the present. Mayukh Bhaowal from Salesforce Einstein explains how to counteract it. (Article)

Cloud-Native Data: What Is it? Will it Solve the Data-DevOps Divide?

The panelists debate whether data's answer to cloud-native will mirror DevOps or not. (Presentation)

Counterfactual Evaluation of Machine Learning Models

Michael Manapat discusses how Stripe evaluates and trains their machine learning models to fight fraud. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

Machine Learning Pipeline for Real-Time Forecasting @Uber Marketplace

Chong Sun and Danny Yuan discuss how Uber is using ML to improve their forecasting models, the architecture of their ML platform, and lessons learned running it in production. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

InfoQ YouTube Exclusives

Two Effective Algorithms for Time Series Forecasting

Danny Yuan explains intuitively Fast Fourier Transformation and recurrent neural network. He explores how the concepts play critical roles in time series forecasting. Learn what the tools are, the key concepts associated with them, and why they are useful in time series. (Presentation)


Dana Sheahen talks about the Nvidia Jetson TX2 hardware and the software that runs on the TX2 Dev kit. (Presentation)

Introduction to Forecasting in Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Franziska Bell provides an overview of classical, machine learning and deep learning forecasting approaches. In addition, fundamental forecasting best practices will be covered. (Presentation)

What Does it Take to Build a Data Science Capability?

In this panel discussion, Charles Humble and Wes Reisz met with Stephanie Yee (StitchFix), Soups Ranjan (Coinbase), Matei Zaharia (Databricks) and Sid Anand (PayPal) to discuss what it takes to build a data science capability and what the new roles that are being defined in a data-driven company are. (Presentation)



Azure Database for PostgreSQL and Azure Database for MySQL brings together the community edition database engines and capabilities of a fully managed service. Watch this 11-minute video to get a quick overview of the advantages of using the service, and to see some of the capabilities in action. Learn More.


  1. Terratest - an Open Source Go Library for Automated Infrastructure Testing

  2. AWS EC2 Fleet: Manage Thousands of On-Demand and Spot Instances with One Request

  3. AWS IoT Analytics Is Now Generally Available

Ensuring Platform Security with Windows Bosh Add-ons and Runtime-Config at Boeing

Presenters discuss implementing security for a Windows deployment on PCF with Bosh add-ons via Runtime Config. (Presentation)

Deploying Spring Boot Apps on Kubernetes

Thomas Risberg overviews the challenges involved in deploying a Spring Boot app on Kubernetes, taking a look at what's needed to deploy Spring Cloud Data Flow server on Kubernetes. (Presentation)



Best-in-Class Application Performance monitoring for DevOps:

Get code-level visibility to ensure the best performance of your desktop and mobile applications with the best SaaS APM solution out there. Plans start at $35 per month for monitoring 3 Applications and 40 Servers.


  1. GitHub Checks API Enables Apps for Advanced Continuous Integration

  2. Microsoft 365 and the Future of App Development: Microsoft Build 2018 Second Day Keynote

  3. Visual Studio Live Share Allows Collaborative Development

  4. New GCC 8.1 Supports Several Features of C++2a

  5. CEO Satya Nadella Gives the First Day Keynote at Microsoft Build 2018

EternalBlue: Exploit Analysis and beyond

Emma McCall talks about the EternalBlue exploit that was leaked in early 2017 which was then abused to great effect throughout the year. She discusses how targeted analysis can help develop security skills while still assisting companies, clients and colleagues. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!



Introduction to Graph Databases.

Graph Databases are currently gaining a lot of interest, as they can give very powerful data modeling tools that provide a closer fit to how your data works in the real world. This article explores exactly what they are and where they can be a good fit in your application landscape. Learn More.

Beyond Lambdas & Streams - Functional Fluency in Java

Naresha K discusses writing functional code in Java 8, the limitations and using Vavr to circumvent those limitations. (Presentation)

Lessons Learned from Upgrading Thymeleaf

Jay Aisenbrey discusses what’s new in Thymeleaf 3 and what it takes to upgrade an application from Thymeleaf 2 to 3. (Presentation)

Building a Reliable Cloud-Based Bank in Java

Jason Maude talks about the server-side implementation of Starling Bank and shows how, even though Java is over two decades old, it can still be used for cutting edge applications. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!



Istio Service Mesh for Microservices (By O’Reilly).

Learn how Istio improves service resiliency, testing, observability, and security of your microservices. Authors Christian Posta and Burr Sutter also introduce you to several key capabilities Istio provides on Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift. Download Now.


  1. Visual Studio 2017 15.7 Brings Full C++17 Compliance

  2. .NET Core 3 Will Add Windows Desktop App Support

ASP.NET Core - The Power of Simplicity

With the release of ASP.NET Core, Microsoft went all in on Open Web Interface for .NET (a.k.a OWIN). OWIN provides a powerful way for developers to choose how much abstraction they want to have when dealing with web. In this article you will get an explanation of how the OWIN request pipeline works, as well as how you can utilize it to fulfill the requirements you have. (Article)



Prototype SEO-friendly web apps with Angular Universal.

  • Create a dynamic web application
  • Manage Angular applications with Angular CLI
  • Implement server-side rendering
  • Configure service workers to update the app

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Google App Engine to Support Node.js 8.x Using the Recently Open Source gVisor Sandbox

  2. Service Workers Now Supported across All Major Browsers

Angular Team Releases Angular 6

On May 3, 2018, the Angular team released version 6 of Angular, a release that focused on improving the Angular toolchain. Significant updates make it easier to update application source code and dependencies, add new application capabilities, and tree shake code for better performance. (News)


  1. Android Studio 3.2 Canary Brings Better Traces Support, Lint Checking, and More

Google Overhauls the Android Support Library into AndroidX

The new Android extension library (AndroidX) is a replacement for the seven-year old Support library, aiming to streamline things and provide a solid foundation for the further evolution of the library. (News)

Book Review and Q&A: Microservices and Containers by Parminder Singh Kocher

The book Microservices and Containers, by Parminder Singh Kocher, provides a deep dive into the main concepts, patterns and technologies used to implement modern, highly available, highly scalable cloud-native applications. (Article)

Bigger, Faster and More Secure

Laura Bell talks about how security can look when it stops being about fear and starts being a tool for building systems of the future. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

Encryption without Magic, Risk Management without Pain

Anastasiia Voitova talks about cryptography: how it helps to narrow more significant risks to controlled attack surfaces, enables managing the risk efficiently, and how tools and algorithms sit in a broader context of managing infrastructure-wide risks associated with handling sensitive data. She also focuses on what to do after implementing encryption in a system. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Finding Talented People and Building Sustainable Teams

  2. From "Doing the Things Right" to "Doing the Right Things"

Psychological Safety in Training Games

Games can be safe places where people can learn lessons experientially under controlled circumstances and generate insights that can be applied to their daily work. Sometimes though, games can get too personal and uncomfortable. A facilitator can create safety mechanisms for these games, including making it easy and safe for people to opt-in and opt-out. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Software Wasteland

Almost all Enterprise Information Systems now cost vastly more to implement than they should. When you have hundreds or thousands of complex applications, you are stuck in the Application Centric Quagmire. In the book Software Wasteland Dave McComb explores what is causing application development waste and how visualizing the cost of change and becoming data-centric can help to reduce the waste. (Article)

Disruption - How the World Works

Mark Allen discusses disruption, comparing it with innovation, and sharing advice on how to be prepared for disruption and how to deal with it. (Presentation)

Cynefin & Test Planning - an Option for Choosing the Right Testing Approachu

Lucian-Adrian Stroie discusses how Cynefin can be used to make sense of the testing context, thus helping determining the most suitable approach for testing. (Presentation)

Attack Trees, Security Modeling for Agile Teams

Michael Brunton-Spall talks about Attack Trees, a new way of understanding how a system might be attacked and how to prioritize security measures to be implemented. He teaches us how to approach a system in a new way, how to think like an attacker, how to evaluate and rate the threats, and how to communicate it effectively to both the team as well as to traditional security practitioners. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!

Security Champions: Only You Can Prevent File Forgery

Marisa Fagan discusses how to become a Security Champion in five steps, what the benefits are, and what to do when there is no Security Champions program or even a Product Security program. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon New York, June 27-29, 2018. Join us!