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By Jess (TF Editor)
We recently adopted a stray feral kitten. Koneko. She cannot be allowed outdoors yet but we wanted her to have some access to fresh air and outdoor views. So we built this enclosure for my son's bedroom. I called this an outdoor pet run until I ran into the term "catio" or cat patio.
By 15mhhm15
On my free time, I like to browse around sites that have unique style but not necessarily purchase from because they're quite pricey. I came across this Henry Googly Eye Planter on Urban Outfitters and thought to myself, that'll be cute to add some cuteness to my planters! Plus, my kids have a bunch of those goggly eyes laying around.
Keep Kindle Magnetic Clasp from Covering Text
By Sandi/Poor But Proud
I read almost all my books on my Kindle Fire. I love how I can save space in my tiny apartment and enlarge the print size, scroll back and forth, etc. What I hated was the little stand clasp would fold forward and cover up some of the first line.
By attosa
Here's a pretty simple way to make pork loin chops with a beautiful tangy pan sauce. Even though these cuts are rather lean, you can get them to be very tender and juicy using this method. These chops pair very well with roast veggies, mashed potatoes, and rice pilafs. Leftover, they're great fillings for sandwiches.
Use Plants to Hide Unattractive Outdoor Items
By Robyn
I have this welding table outdoors because there is no room for it indoors. It was my dad's so I like to keep it. I decided to put all my sprouting plant cuttings on this welding table, and there is still tons of room for more plants ;)
We are giving away $200 in Amazon gift cards (US only) for people who answer recent questions on ThriftyFun this month! Gift cards will be awarded to the top ten users who answer the most questions this month. Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st - $50, 2nd - $40, 3rd - $30, 4th - $20, and 5th to 10th - $10.