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DNA ‘Lite-Brite’ is Promising Way to Archive Data for Decades or Longer

Researchers investigated how the immune system's previous exposure to cold-causing coronaviruses impact immune response to COVID-19.

Researchers have developed chemical probes to help identify an enzyme known to break down several common types of antibiotics, making these bacteria dangerously resistant to treatment.

The research represents the first application of portable X-ray fluorescence analysis, combined with geostatistical data analysis, to anthropogenic sediments in Africa.

The new findings identify a potential contributor to microcephaly, a birth defect in which the head is underdeveloped and abnormally small.

Developing new ultrathin metal electrodes has allowed researchers to create semitransparent perovskite solar cells that greatly boost the performance of both devices.

Every Sartorius balance offers quality, value and consistency - no matter what you’re weighing. The

The Mini-BeadBeater-16 disrupts microbial cells and plant and animal tissue by violently agitating

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