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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

News Headlines

Nurse staffing think tank develops toolkit to address staffing crisis

Actionable and immediate strategies for staffing in acute and critical care practice have been unveiled by a specially formed think tank to address the nurse staffing crisis.

The Nurse Staffing Think Tank, a diverse group of nursing leaders, frontline nurses, CEOs, chief financial officers, human resources executives, and patient safety representatives, identified six priority areas that need urgent action

Clinical trial focuses on remote monitoring of cancer patients

A Colorado health system is testing the feasibility of remote patient monitoring for the early detection of febrile neutropenia, a common, life-threatening complication of cancer therapy that is typically treated as an oncologic emergency.

Ten bone-marrow transplant recipients will initially participate in the trial at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, also known as CU Anschutz. The phased approach, through a series of studies, will scale the trial up over time to 100 participants, overseen by an institutional review board, and will include the use of predictive analytics, telemedicine, portable imaging, and supportive therapies such as antibiotics and hydration via IV.

DNV updates requirements on medical exemptions for COVID-19 vaccine

Check any medical exemptions from the COVID-19 vaccination that your facility approved before the CMS requirements for hospitals went into effect to ensure they are compliant, advised DNV Healthcare officials.


Mac's Safety Space

One size fits none…

Questions about the safety training of traveling staff in a "hit the ground running" environment.


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HLSC Single Subscriber

Ensuring compliance with hazard vulnerability assessments, PPE requirements, others

S. Caleb Thomas, MS, CHSP, CHOP, healthcare safety specialist in environmental health and safety for the Oregon Health and Science University healthcare organization, is passionate about environment of care topics. He’s been involved in some recent accreditation surveys, as well as various webinars and networking events on the topic.

He’s grabbed a smorgasbord of environment of care topics and has shared some compliance tips with HLSC. His organization is accredited by DNV, but he has worked with Joint Commission organizations and occasionally hears things relevant to that accreditor’s practices.


MEU Single Subscriber

Q&A: Memory loss and medication management

For many people, forgetting a daily dose of an ADHD, allergy, or other drug might be disruptive but not life threatening. However, for millions of Americans, taking the right medicine at the right time—for diabetes, heart disease, or seizures—can be a matter of life and death. For patients suffering from memory loss, delirium, or confusion, their lives can be put in danger if they forget their medication or accidentally take a second dose.


Basic Subscribers

Is it time for a National Patient Safety Board?

One proposal to improve care quality at the national level is the creation of a National Patient Safety Board, which would gather best practices, research and analyze errors, and put out education materials on harm events.

Patient Safety Monitor Journal spoke with David B. Mayer, MD, executive director of MedStar Institute for Quality and Safety and board member of the Patient Safety Movement Foundation, about what a National Patient Safety Board would accomplish, what powers it would have, and how it would differ from existing patient safety regulations or agencies.

CIHQ publishes standard revisions ahead of CMS renewal effort

CIHQ has updated its hospital accreditation standards as it finalizes its reapplication to CMS to remain as one of the four accreditation organizations for hospitals.

Life safety forensics: What’s wrong with this picture?

This photograph of a door to a fire exit was taken in a medical building. Those signs are the only signage for this door. Can you tell what’s wrong with this picture?