Good morning, Marketer, and the Musk tease continues.

Elon Musk, who had already sought and then declined a seat on Twitter’s board, continued his mystery dance late last week by putting his takeover bid “on hold.” The ostensible reason, he wanted more information about spam and fake accounts. In a May 2 filing with the SEC, Twitter had said it estimated that spam and fake accounts make up less than 5% of its users. Not good enough for the billionaire, apparently.

Twitter’s stock price stumbled at the news. Some have pointed out that walking away from the deal could expose Musk to a breach of contract lawsuit. But it might be fair to say that Musk is not well known for taking courts and regulators seriously. The reason this all matters is that Twitter has never fully decided whether to be a circus show or an enormously powerful communications platform. The latter — almost a public utility — looks like a great channel for brand marketing and messaging.

But right now, the circus is in town.

P.S. We have some top flight MarTech Master Classes coming up in June and early bird prices expire on Saturday May 21 at midnight. 

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

Do it once (and only once) with workflow automation

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Why we care about mobile marketing: A guide for marketers

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The anatomy of personalized search

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Martech is mainly about relationships

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Webinar: Mastering omnichannel customer journeys

Leading companies are focused on creating stronger customer experiences that span multiple channels and feel cohesive and meaningful to end-users. But many teams struggle to effectively combine legacy tools and emerging technologies required to build effective omnichannel experiences. Autodesk partnered with ActionIQ to develop a future-proof stack that would empower a self-service approach to achieving superior omnichannel CX. Join our experts to learn how you can accelerate your approach to mastering omnichannel customer journeys.

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Social media platforms see sales boost as pandemic shopping habits take root

Online and hybrid shopping have remained high in the last six months, even though we’re over two years into this pandemic, survey finds.

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How did you change up your stack? Take the 2022 MarTech Replacement Survey

Have you moved from homegrown legacy applications to commercial solutions (or vice versa)? And what impact have those changes had on your team? Take our 3-minute survey.

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Become a master of MarTech

Say hello to the MarTech Master Classes, expert-led tours through critical marketing topics — including buying martech, attribution analysis, and Google Analytics 4. 100% live. 100% virtual. 100% actionable.

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What we’re reading. Jennifer Stanley, partner at McKinsey, says the future of B2B sales is hybrid. Today’s B2B customers want “more channels, more convenience, and a more personalized experience. They want the right mix of in-person interactions, remote contact via phone or video, and e-commerce self-service across the purchasing journey.” We think the same message applies to B2B marketing. Read more here.

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