Ever had one of those days where you’re busy racing non-stop… But by the time 5 o’clock rolls around… You still haven’t accomplished much? You replied to dozens of emails... Plowed through a mountain of random tasks… But as far as important work that actually moves the needle and grows your business... You’re no further ahead. I’ll fill you in on a little secret — there is a legitimate reason for this… And it’s something I refer to as “Entrepreneurial A.D.H.D.” New research from UC Irvine shows the average person gets interrupted roughly every 3 minutes during their work day… Every 3 Minutes! That’s Insane! And if that’s the amount of distraction being thrown at your typical cubicle worker… I’ll wager that for busy entrepreneurs it’s MUCH worse. With a million emails... texts... phone calls… team meetings — on top of constant fires to put out… It’s no shock most business owners struggle to grow at all. OR do anything besides work. But here’s the clincher (which you’ve likely experienced): Each time we get distracted... It can take up to 23 minutes to refocus on the original task you were working on. So if you’ve ever worked an insanely busy day, FULL of activity, yet somehow accomplished nothing… Now you can see why. But what if you could eliminate 60-80% of that distraction… And channel your peak focus & mental energy into critical activities that get you ahead FAST? Good news — you can! Because the #1 way to keep your days from being lost to chaos and scattered focus… Is mastering your calendar. That’s why I created the 5-Day Calendar Cash Machine Challenge. To optimize your time each day and “reverse engineer” your big goals… …Then map those goals out over the coming days, weeks, and months so you know exactly what to do — hour by hour — to actually achieve them. Because if you want to avoid being pulled in a million different directions at once… You need a rock-solid system & structure to follow for daily success. That way when you get knocked off track, you can deal with whatever “emergency” you need to… But you ALWAYS know what to do to get right back on course. It’s like jumping in your car to drive somewhere and setting the GPS on your phone… If there’s construction and you have to take a detour… The GPS reroutes you back on the right path to get where you want to go. Planning your calendar works the same way. When your calendar is perfectly built to maximize your productivity, conserve your energy, and execute on what matters most… You’ll minimize the “detours” — so you can rapidly achieve your goals while still having a life. It took me a LOT of pain and frustration to learn this… Not to mention years of trial and error before I figured out what worked. I don’t want you to have to go through any of that. That’s why we designed this challenge to be fast and short. In just 5 days you can start finishing your work in half the time while accomplishing more than ever before… And it only takes about 15 minutes per day. Would you trade 1.25 hours ONCE to get back 10+ hours per week for the rest of your life? I know I would. But your special access to this unique challenge ends tomorrow. So if you want to control the chaos… Beat “Entrepreneurial A.D.H.D.”... And optimize each hour of your day with a schedule that works FOR you instead of against you… >> Go here to get all the details and join the 5-Day Calendar Cash Machine Challenge today! Success Loves Speed, Craig |