Dear Voornaam,

Do you have trouble sleeping and have noticed that your cognitive abilities are not as sharp as they used to be? Have you ever been diagnosed with insomnia? Do you have trouble concentrating, problem solving, or remembering things?

If so, we invite you to participate in a research study that involves a computerized cognitive training program designed to engage thinking processes in people with insomnia or sleep disturbance.

We are looking for healthy people at least 55 years of age for a study on cognitive training in people with insomnia—specifically, a sleep problem that causes distress or impairment in functioning (e.g., social, occupational).

This study is a remote study; no travel is required in order to participate. The cognitive training will last 8 weeks and is done on the web. You will also be asked to complete questionnaires and assessments before your training, after your training, and 6 months after completing your last training session.

All information throughout the study will be kept confidential, and no medication will be tested or administrated.

If you complete everything, you will be paid $80 in electronic Amazon gift cards. Interested? E-mail to contact our research staff.


Clinical Research Associate
Posit Science

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