Also, transmission permitting reforms proposed
And the state with the most innovative battery grid management system is……Utah?

Question for electric utilities: How’s your customer engagement? For Rocky Mountain Power (RMP), it’s not too shabby. That’s at least in part because of what the utility is doing with customer-sited batteries that are integrated right into the grid operating system. The utility created a virtual power plant that it can tap for grid services daily using its battery grid management system. This has changed the way ES solar, an active solar installer in the state of Utah, is selling residential solar systems. Learn more about the Wattsmart program and how RMP is creating the grid of the future with customers in our lead story today.

The goal of the changes are to encourage early community engagement, expedite America's clean energy future, strengthen energy security, and promote environmental justice.
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With a price tag of $970 million, the double-circuit, 345-kV line is one of two Minnesota projects that has been fast-tracked by the regional transmission grid operator MISO for completion by the decade’s end.
Communication and customer education is a winning strategy to foster greater customer engagement around sustainability.
Avangrid’s Vineyard Wind 1 offshore substation will collect power generated by 62 wind turbines and will bring it to shore through two export cables.
All public utilities must adopt revised pro forma generator interconnection agreements and procedures under the final rule.
The program aims to meet the state’s growing electricity needs, particularly on hot summer evenings. 
Join our mailing list and be the first to know when registration opens for DISTRIBUTECH International® 2024 taking place in Orlando, FL with education February 26-29 and exhibits February 27-29.
Episode 55 of the Factor This! podcast features Kyle Udseth, CEO, Pineapple Energy, is available now! 
Registration for GridTECH Connect Forum Northeast is LIVE! Spark new ideas and make connections while working towards the goal of interconnecting more DER to the grid from October 23-25, 2023 in Newport, RI!
Nearly 1.5 miles of uncoated underground lines in Pepper Pike will be replaced with new power lines coated in a thick shell intended to make them more durable against the elements.
Initially, NREL and Atom Computing are exploring how quantum computing can improve decision-making on the re-routing of power between feeder lines.
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