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9 hours ago
Whether it's the world-class restaurants, balmy winters or the endless things to do — it feels like more and more people are choosing to live in Dubai. Am I right?
As someone who suffers from a considerable amount of FOMO, I for one couldn't resist the lure of this big city and made the move from London two weeks ago having never lived abroad before.
So, is Dubai everything it's cracked up to be? The cold hard reality is that... it's even better.
The sun is shining, Dubai Metro is immaculate and setting up home here has never been easier — this list comes strongly recommended for any other newbies.
New and important hobbies now include trying out Dubai's top-tier beach clubs (turns out, they’re almost *too* aesthetically pleasing for your Pinterest board), hunting down the best coffee in town and deciphering exactly where the best Reformer Pilates classes are. The jury’s still out on that one (there are loads to try).
If you know someone who is also going to call Dubai home soon, let them know Time Out Dubai is packed full of intel on the best things to eat, do and see, as well as brilliant, insider tips for anyone who’s just moved to the city.
Partner Content: You’ll never forget spending your evening here
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