January 21, 2019
Dear Valued Reader,

Best wishes to you on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day... we're closed for the day in hopes of enjoying some respite from the hue and cry and taking a moment to remember a great man.  
But, in case you're bored, we've also got something new for you -- Doc Gumshoe submitted a new article last week, and we're posting it today for your edutainment... is ketamine the next hope for Alzheimer's, or opiate addiction, or just another party drug?  Click below for his story...

2019 will go down in history as the biggest year EVER for marijuana stocks. As more and more states move to legalize over the coming months, savvy investors are eyeing these 3 hot marijuana picks set to soar. But you must stake your positions now.


The most popular article last week was all about a Mark Skousen ad... he's touting his "Trade of the Year" for 2019, a telecom stock that apparently has some kind of "special sauce."   How can you resist?   Follow along here as the Thinkolator gets you some answers.

We started on Monday with a re-released story about "Extreme Dividends"... an ad touting stocks that pay dividends large enough to return your entire investment in a day.  And, as usual, there's a bit of truth to it... just click here for our story.

Who's up for a "secret stock?"  I just love it when the pitches say they've got a secret... and I can't resist trying to sniff out the truth behind their tease.  This week it was the Cabot folks talking up a "secret" with a 6.1% dividend... and I know we all just love dividends, right?  Thinkolator results here.

Coming near the end of the week, we got to one that really generated a lot of discussion... Matt McCall has been teasing a "Jesus Battery" that you can recharge much faster (and thousands of times), and that won't catch on fire even if you shoot it.  Plenty of uncertainty over this one, but I can share some thoughts and a solid guess for your edutainment... justclick here for that one. 

And I finished up the week, as usual, with the Friday File for our favorite people -- it's January, so we're still knee-deep in the annual review of all my Real Money Portfolio stocks... this week I got to the FANG stocks and the TOAST stocks.  Don't know what the TOAST stocks are?  It's OK, no one else does either, and no one else seems willing to use my acronym.... but you canread my thoughts here.


Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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