Cancer Health Email Update
Doctor Is Cancer-Free Following World-First Treatment He Developed
Richard Scolyer treated his brain cancer using an experimental immunotherapy he and his team developed.
How a Black Woman Is Coping With an “Old White Man’s Disease”
Bladder cancer patient manages the stress of a disease where recurrence is common.
FDA Authorizes Sale of Menthol E-cigarettes
“Authorizing the sale of any flavored e-cigarette…fails to protect young people from a lifetime of addiction,” says ACS CAN president.
New Effort to Include People With HIV or on PrEP in Clinical Trials [VIDEO]
Of 46 recent clinical trials that led to the approval of cancer drugs, 30 had language excluding people with HIV.
Most Eligible U.S. Adults Not Getting Screened for Lung Cancer
American Cancer Society researchers found lower screening uptake in Southern states with the highest lung cancer burden.
Check Out Our Summer 2024 Issue!
Read the entire print issue online, including the cover profile on golfer Jim Plotkin, who is playing—and winning—with leukemia, and the 2024 Cancer Health 25, which profiles people who power clinical trials.
Healthy Recipe: Quinoa With Roasted Ratatouille
As the seasons change, you can change up the roasted vegetables and herbs you use.
#ASCO 2024
A roundup of studies presented at this year’s annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

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