China increases employee surveillance, creating its own Thought Police

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CSO Salted Hash

May 01, 2018
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DOD releases new guidance giving teeth to cybersecurity rules to protect data within the supply chain

Companies supplying products and services to the US Department of Defense must meet 110 security requirements specified in NIST SP 800-171 or risk losing contract awards through a new set of risk scoring guidelines. The new rules demonstrate the government’s determination to insist on strong cybersecurity practices among its business partners and drive compliance. Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

China increases employee surveillance, creating its own Thought Police
Get a 299-Piece All-Purpose First Aid Kit For $12 Today
A first quarter look at cybercrime
Aviation industry takes steps to mitigate insider threats
Atlanta's recovery highlights the costly mistake of being unprepared
Security vs. visibility: Why TLS 1.3 has data center admins worried

Video/Webcast: Optum

The Currency of Health Care Data

Sameer Siraj, vice president, strategic product management, Optum, explains. Learn about the necessity of data and challenges around managing it. Read More

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China increases employee surveillance, creating its own Thought Police

China has a form of Orwell’s Thought Police -- surveillance tech to monitor employees’ brainwaves and emotions. Read More

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Get a 299-Piece All-Purpose First Aid Kit For $12 Today

The highly rated kit includes a first aid guide, vinyl gloves, bandages, cold compress, gauze pads, trauma pad, cotton-tipped applicators, first aid tape roll, antiseptics and all three common OTC pain medications. Neatly organized in a soft zippered pouch. Read More

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A first quarter look at cybercrime

What did we learn about cybercrime in the first quarter of 2018? Malicious cryptomining has taken over and it’s leaving all other malware families behind. Read More

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Aviation industry takes steps to mitigate insider threats

The aviation industry realizes insider threats are a reality and is working within the public-private partnership to heighten awareness of them. Read More

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Atlanta's recovery highlights the costly mistake of being unprepared

The Samsam attack against the city of Atlanta in March was chaotic and crippling. The ransomware, named for the group responsible for development and deployment, left the city scrambling to deal with critical systems that were forced offline, hampering civil services including utility payments and municipal court appointments. Read More

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Security vs. visibility: Why TLS 1.3 has data center admins worried

A number of data center administrators from large financial, health care and retail corporations have begun to regard the current draft of the 1.3 version of the TLS protocol with increasing alarm. The issue comes down the tussle between security and visibility. Read More

White Paper: Silver Peak Systems Inc

2018 Trends in SD-WAN

Today, most WAN traffic, to and from branch and remote sites, is destined for the cloud, either to SaaS services or applications hosted in an IaaS environment. The traditional WAN was architected for branch-to-data-center traffic flows, not to efficiently support new cloud-driven traffic patterns. Read More

CSO Insider

1. 8 hot cyber security trends (and 4 going cold)
2. 14 top tools to assess, implement, and maintain GDPR compliance
3. Microsoft Windows 10 vs. Apple macOS: 18 security features compared
4. 6 use cases for blockchain in security
5. 4 open-source Mitre ATT&CK test tools compared

Editor's Picks

1. Hottest cybersecurity products at RSA 2018
2. The 10 Windows group policy settings you need to get right
3. How to detect and prevent crypto mining malware
4. How to build a cyber security strategy
5. 17 penetration testing tools the pros use
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