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Does Money Buy Happiness? | Why do we work so hard to make money and hope that our kids will be wealthier than we are? Savvy Psychologist takes a brutally honest exploration of how money and happiness are (and aren’t) related. (Spoiler: there's bad news, good news, and lots of caveats.) | |
10 Simple Ways to Raise Great Kids | Parents want their kids to succeed in all areas of life, but it's our everyday interactions that make all the difference. Check out Mighty Mommy's 10 simple ways to bring out the best in your kids. | |
| Currently Reading ... | Three unforgettable narrators join together to tell a spellbinding story with wit, wonder, and deep affection. Laurie Frankel has written a laugh-out-loud-on-one-page-grab-a-tissue-the-next novel, as only she can, about how expanding our notions of normal makes the world a better place for everyone and how when days are darkest, it’s our daughters who will save us all. *QDT may receive a portion of sales when you purchase using this link | |
How to Get (and Keep) Strong Bones | Bone health and bone density are two things that most of us don’t think about until much later in life. But bone loss can begin in late 30s and early 40s, so don’t put it off until it is too late. Get-Fit Guy and Dr. Marc Bubbs discuss simple ways to reverse and prevent bone loss. | |
8 Things Epsom Salt is Good For | You've had that bag of Epsom salts in your pantry forever. Make good use of it with these surprising ways to use the soothing salt! | |
How to Improve Creativity by Adding Constraints | Sometimes the struggle to be creative pushes us to seek more – more information, more resources, more time. In this episode learn why taking the opposing approach – forcing constraints on yourself – may be the very thing you need to unlock your next great idea. | |
Is Homogenized Milk Bad for You? | How does the homogenization process affect the health properties of milk? Is unhomogenized milk better for you? Nutrition Diva gets to the bottom of the glass. | |
Tips to Reinvent Your Financial Life and Earn More Money | Money Girl interviews Paula Pant, founder of the personal finance website, They discuss tips for reinventing your financial life and reaching true financial independence. Get inspired to transition to your best career, become a better money manager, earn more, and figure exactly what you want to afford. | |
'Cord' vs. 'Chord' | We hope this strikes a chord if you're trying to remember the difference between "cord" and "chord." | |
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