Tu Salud News Update
Over 1 in 5 Adults Worldwide Has a Genital Herpes Infection
WHO study estimates 846 million people have genital herpes, which causes recurrent painful sores and facilitates HIV acquisition and transmission.
Telehealth Use Remains Low in Rural Areas
Researchers examined the use of telehealth services among people in need of prenatal care in rural and urban areas.
COMET Trial Finds Active Monitoring Is a Viable Option for Low-Risk DCIS
Recurrence risk was similar for women who received active monitoring and those who underwent surgery for “Stage 0” breast cancer.
Does Red Meat Cause Cancer?
The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends limiting the consumption of red and processed meat. Here’s why and how much.
Healthy Recipe: Maple-Glazed Salmon
With a light citrus and maple flavor, this salmon also makes for a festive dish at holiday time.
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