Cloud complexity management is the next big thing

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InfoWorld Cloud Computing Report

Sep 18, 2018
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Does the cloud still make sense when the economy is good?

Bad economic times gave the cloud its initial enterprise push for cost savings, but good times should mean the cloud now becomes strategic Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Cloud complexity management is the next big thing
Business can’t win without developers, but you need more
Interview: Craig McLuckie and Joe Beda on the value of Kubernetes
IBM Cloud services guide: The right tools for the job
The 3 reasons CIOs have become cloud-first

White Paper: Bronze Drum Consulting

How Powerful New Technologies are Powering a Real-Time Revolution in Capital Markets

Discover how machine learning, informed by rich, streaming data, is helping business leaders transform financial services is this white paper from Bronze Drum Consulting. By leveraging cloud services, financial service firms now have the power to put real-time streaming data to work. Read More

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Cloud complexity management is the next big thing

Cloud computing actually makes things much more complex, not simpler. That requires a new discipline around managing that complexity Read More

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Business can’t win without developers, but you need more

A surprising survey shows that lack of software development capabilities is the top inhibitor to business success. So, how do you fix that? Read More

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Interview: Craig McLuckie and Joe Beda on the value of Kubernetes

The Docker container orchestration technology fills the gap between IaaS, which is too low-level, and PaaS, which is too high-level Read More

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IBM Cloud services guide: The right tools for the job

Most customers choose IBM Cloud service because they are already an IBM shop, but other enterprises should give it a look as well Read More

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The 3 reasons CIOs have become cloud-first

The move to a cloud-first strategy is being shaped by drivers that we did not originally anticipate—certainly not for cost reasons Read More

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