TODAY'S TOP STORIES - May 15, 2017

As Millions Pour Into Georgia's Congressional Runoff, The Voting Machinery is Among The Worst in America: Hackable, Paperless, Unverifiable

By Lulu Friesdat, AlterNet

Computer experts have no confidence in Georgia’s election results READ MORE»

The Video That Suggests Trump Is Suffering from Alzheimer's

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Could a more serious illness be at work beneath the bluster and the ego? READ MORE»

12 Features of White Working-Class Trump Voters Confirm Depressed and Traumatized Multitudes Voted for Him

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

A nationwide survey reveals the sorry state of middle America. READ MORE»

There Are 21 Million Victims of Human Trafficking Right Now: Coming to Grips and Trying to Solve Mass Human Suffering

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Panel at Columbia explores the atrocities of human trafficking. READ MORE»

Has a ‘Sealed Indictment’ Been Issued Against President Trump?

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

Numerous independent sources reportedly say a sealed indictment was granted against the president. READ MORE»

It’s the Wealth Gap, Stupid: Inequality Drives 'Economic Anxiety'—Both Real and Perceived

By Erin Keane, Salon

Salon talks to the social psychologist author of "The Broken Ladder" about why both sides think somebody’s cheating. READ MORE»

Evidence Mounts That School Choice Isn't Delivering Promised Results, Not That K-12 Privateers Are Listening

By Jeff Bryant, Education Opportunity Network

What if school choice results in bad choice? READ MORE»

The Delicate Art of Diplomacy in the Trump Era is Being Left to Military Generals

By Vijay Prashad, Frontline (India)

We are looking at the demise of diplomacy with America's State Department on life support. READ MORE»

Marijuana Could Help Elderly and Alzheimer's Patients

By Marcy Kreiter, International Business Times

New research suggests cannabis may actually be good for memory, especially on the elderly, reversing brain aging and restoring learning ability. READ MORE»

The Urban Common Spaces That Show Us We Belong to Something Larger

By Sarah van Gelder, YES! Magazine

We must protect the parks, pathways, and gardens that connect us to each other and to the ecosystems of our home. READ MORE»

Why Long Work Hours Don’t Work for People or the Planet

By Dr. David Suzuki, AlterNet

Our endless cycle of toil and consumerism increases stress and depletes the Earth's resources. It's time to consider a better way to work. READ MORE»

Getting Out of Our Coal Hole

By Oscar Reyes , OtherWords

States that invest in renewables are reaping the rewards. Those that stick to coal are faltering. READ MORE»

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