Learn more about how to qualify for SHOP

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Determining Eligibility for SHOP Coverage

TheSmall Business Health Options Program(SHOP) is for businesses and non-profit organizations who want to provide health and/or dental insurance to their employees. Offering coverage through SHOP is affordable, flexible, and convenient. If your business is eligible to participate in SHOP, you dont have to wait for an Open Enrollment Period. As long as you meet the eligibility requirements, you can enroll at any time of year.

If you are considering enrolling in SHOP insurance, then youll need to meet the following requirements:

  1. Have 1-50 full-time equivalent employees (FTEs).
  2. Offer coverage to all full-time employeesgenerally workers averaging 30 or more hours per week.
  3. Enroll at least 70% of the employees you offer insurance tootherwise known as the Minimum Participation Requirement (MPR).
    • If you dont meet your states MPR, you can enroll between November 15 - December 15 any year. During this time, the participation requirement isn't enforced.
  4. Have an office or employee work site within the state whose SHOP you want to use.

To view more details on eligibility for SHOP, click the button below!

Button with text Determine Your Eligibility for SHOP

You can enroll in SHOP by contacting a SHOP-registered agent or broker directly through Find Local Help.

Have questions? Contact your insurance company or a SHOP-registered agent or broker for help with SHOP coverage. For additional assistance, contact the SHOP Call Center at 1-800-706-7893 (TTY: 1-888-201-6445).

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