Good morning, Marketer, and good thing you never have to let go of a technology you really love.

Take email, for instance =-)

And why would we look to replace email when it’s such an effective way of distributing news and personal messages for many (but not all) occasions?

MarTech is happy to welcome guest contributor Anita Brearton of CabinetM, and in her piece yesterday, she wrote: “As new channels and marketing practices are introduced, they rarely replace something already in place. More often, they become another layer in the marketing program.”

Yes, marketers keep adding on layers, and that’s why we want to hear about how these stacks keep growing as part of our Stacks Stories initiative. Let us know! 

Chris Wood,

Does your organization need a marketing work management platform?

Marketing work management tools, also called project management tools, have become very popular since the move to work-from-home, but don't jump into the purchase process blindly.

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Salesforce talks about remote working and events in its earnings call

Salesforce co-CEO Marc Benioff gave a look into how enterprises and B2B marketers are transforming at this stage of the pandemic.

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Activate the ‘Dark Funnel’ and unlock fresh leads in this new channel

Did you know 75% of buyers are already halfway through their buying journey before they even speak to a salesperson? At that point, they’ve already completed their pre-purchase process – checked reviews, browsed comparison sites, and perused articles on third-party sites – before even reaching your site. In other words, all of these activities have occurred anonymously in what marketers have coined the “Dark Funnel.”

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How to establish a new martech role

Getting colleagues familiar with your new martech position is no easy task.

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Webinar Today: A/B Testing is Dead, Long Live A/B Testing!

Optimizing interactions, communications and offers to your customers is key – but how are you doing that today? Odds are, you’re A/B testing. But this method is now a thing of the past … and why is that? Join Scott Brinker, editor, and OfferFit CEO, George Khachatryan, for a discussion on how new AI methods are displacing traditional A/B testing, and what this means for the test & learn programs you use to maximize customer engagement.

There’s still time to RSVP!

Video ad platform SpringServe partners with SXSW

The collaboration aims at boosting the ad experience for SXSW online and CTV content.

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Discover game-changing martech tools & solutions... for FREE

Join us at MarTech, online March 29-30, to explore dozens of time-saving marketing technologies that will help your organization reach a new level of success.

See what’s in store

Introducing MarTech’s guide to agile marketing for leaders

This e-book will show you the skills and perspective needed to lead an agile marketing organization effectively.

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