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We’ll never know exactly what species of animal “Jane Dog” was chasing through the woods when she got her head wedged inside the trunk...
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Antarctica travelers, take note: do not mess with the brown skua. Researchers from South Korea studying birds in Antarctica have discovered that the brown...
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Mary Jane went missing for seven months. Now she gets the happiest reunion.
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Two years of college education just became free for high school students in Detroit. The city has announced that high school graduates will be given two...
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You can make Japanese whaling a deal breaker
signatures: 178061
created by: WDC, Whale and Dolphin Conservation
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The U.S. women’s national soccer team is known for winning big on the field, and now it is hoping to score big in court. This week, the players...
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The Mapuche are the original inhabitants of Chile and Argentina, and they’ve been defending their area from Spanish invaders and the Republics of...
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A Florida 9-year-old recently completed a 24-hour obstacle course where she raced 36 miles, swam five miles and overcame 25 obstacles like scaling a...
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In an effort to curb its plummeting honeybee population, Maryland is about to become the first state in the nation to pass strict restrictions on...
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The first thing that hits you about a country that has felt the full force of a category five cyclone is the trees. It's like they have been ravaged by a...
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