
Monkey Rodeo

Terrified Monkeys Strapped to Dogs and Chaotically Raced in Front of Screaming Crowd

These dangerous events are inhumane and could easily result in injuries to the monkeys. Tell these four teams to stop hosting cruel "monkey rodeos" immediately.

Simon Cowell for PETA

See How 6 Celebrities Are Helping to Prevent Dogs From Dying in Hot Cars

The temperature inside a parked car can soar to well over 100 degrees in just minutes, even with the windows open a little. Share this critical information with others—it might actually save a life as temperatures rise this summer.

Lion with cub

Show Dad—and Animals—How Much You Care

Looking for a special way to show your appreciation for both Dad and animals? A PETA Present is the perfect Father's Day gift. Every dad deserves the best, including animal dads both large and small.

Horse Running Through NYC

Pedestrians Panic as Escaped Horse Runs Through New York Traffic

Horses continue to escape, collapse, or die on city streets, and no amount of regulation can protect the public from the danger caused by animals who become frightened and bolt.

Dead Mouse on Glue Trap

Animals Known to Chew Off Their Own Limbs to Free Themselves From Glue Traps

Retailer Mills Fleet Farm is selling vile glue traps, despite learning that small animals mired in the glue often suffer for days and rip off their fur, feathers, and flesh in their frantic struggles to escape the sticky mess.

Dog at TAMU

Chevron Donates to University Where Dogs Are Bred to Have Lethal, Degenerative Disease

Why would any company want to give millions of dollars to a university that breeds dogs to have muscular dystrophy, lies about it, performs painful experiments on the animals, and has no effective treatment to show for all the cruelty?

White Wolf

Poacher Kills Famous, Rare White Wolf in Yellowstone National Park

In April, the wolf had to be euthanized after she was found mortally wounded, and there's now a $10,000 bounty on the killer's head.

Tigers from Neon Jungle

Cruel Encounters With Tiger Cubs and Other Animals Up for Sale at Shopping Mall

Cubs used for "playtime" typically are taken from their mothers within hours or days of birth, which can compromise their immune systems and cause long-term psychological and behavioral issues.


14 Horrifying Realities That the Leather Industry Doesn't Want You to See

Did you know that dogs are also killed to make leather from their skin?

Fish Eaten Alive

VIDEO: This Fish Is Literally Being Eaten Alive

Retweet this video if you know that NO animal deserves to suffer like this. Then order your free vegan starter kit and encourage your friends to take the vegan pledge, too.

Paintball Hero

Save Animals With PETA's New Free Game, 'Paintball Hero'

While you save animals in the digital world, proceeds from your in-app purchases will be used to combat animal abuse in the real world, too! Free downloads are available for iPhone and Android.

Urgent Action Needed

bullet Ask This Festival Not to Exploit the Suffering Elephant Nosey
bullet Tell Yale University to Stop Tormenting Birds
bullet District Ends Cat Dissection—Urge It to End ALL Dissection
bullet Urge Shriners International to Oppose Cruel Animal Circuses