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June 20, 2017


Today's Top Stories

DOL in the Real World

Prominent UBS Team Chooses Independence, Joins Dynasty

Michael Thrasher


Is active dead?

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Tom Rampulla discusses three reasons active is alive and well.

Tech-Savvy Advisors Are Outperforming Their Peers

Ryan W. Neal


Factoring in Factors

Ryan Nauman


IRS Simplifies Extension Procedures for Portability Elections

David A. Handler and Alison E. Lothes


The Daily Brief

A CFA Test in a Fintech World?

The test to earn the chartered financial analyst designation is considered to be one of the tougher hurdles in finance and a requirement for anyone who wants to be taken seriously as a financial markets analyst. But increasingly, as financial services firms morph into technology companies, the old nuts-and-bolts of securities analysis are less useful. What would the CFA test look like in the land of robos? Bloomberg columnist Lionel Laurent takes a humorous guess.

EY Report Breaks Down Blockchain's Impact
Blockchain might not have an immediate, drastic impact on the wealth management industry, but it can revolutionize one component of it right now: client onboarding. With the help of a blockchain ledger, client information that was once painfully gathered and verified could be done so almost instantly, according to an EY report. That means a smoother process for new clients and freeing up time for their advisors to spend on other tasks. The EY report does a nice job plainly explaining how blockchain can accomplish this, even if a reader is unfamiliar with the technology.

Focus Facilitates West Coast Merger
Focus Financial Partners helped facilitate the merger of one of its partner firms, HoyleCohen, with Libbie Agran Financial Services & Seminars, a registered investment advisory in Santa Monica, Calif. This marks HoyleCohen’s third merger since joining Focus in 2006. Peter Mueller, president and CEO of Libbie Agran, will head the Los Angeles office of the firm. The merger expands HoyleCohen’s presence in the Los Angeles area.