September 4, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Happy Labor Day!   The Stock Gumshoe offices are closed today, but I keep getting a lot of questions about this Teeka Tiwari "Dollar Recall" pitch that he's now calling a "Biden Shock" which will hit two weeks from now, on September 20.  So what's the story?  This is an update of a pitch we covered a few months ago, just click below to...

We created a new version of our membership this year and I'm putting in an Early Adopter Discount for those who decide to try out our new Irregulars Plus+ Ad Free option right now -- the price will bump up later this month, but every subscription we offer is always locked in.  Faster articles, no ads, I think you'll like it.

Check out our Irregulars Plus+ Ad Free subscription options now...

Questions?  Check out our FAQ page, or contact us.  Thanks!


Miss anything during your toil last week?  Let's catch you up...

The most-discussed story was our quick "reveal" of Nomi Prins' "AI Ultimatum" microcap stock, she got a bit disingenuous in saying this is a "26 cent stock"... what's the story?  

But the week started in junior mining land... Gerardo Del Real is pitching a "could be my next 100-bagger" stock, a little $4 hopeful... our take is here.

But AI is never far from our minds these days, so we put the Thinkolator to work when the Motley Fool started teasing a "next NVIDIA" stock.

And to hit all the hot spots, we also dug into an EV-driven pitch -- this time, for a new source of lithium that Microcap Insider is calling "Black LIthium," with 22,500% gains ahead (please stop that snickering, you in the back!)

For the Friday File, my fingers were extra busy this week -- I checked in on ALL of our seventeen $100K Lock Box Portfolio companies — that’s a small cap growth portfolio I started filling in early 2021, designed to buy stocks that may have high volatility but could have exceptional growth if held through that volatility, and hold them for at least five years.   How do they look now?  Just click below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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