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News, Analysis & Insights on Nutrition, Supplements, and Health20-Jun-2024
Pep2Dia<sup>®</sup>, sugar-Blocking Ingredient in Achieving Health Objectives
Pep2Dia®, sugar-Blocking Ingredient in Achieving Health Objectives
Pep2Dia® is a patented whey hydrolysate with active dipeptides AP. Its efficacy is supported by pre-clinical and clinical studies showing significant effects vs. placebo. It acts on reducing post-meal glycemia, post-meal maximal increase of glycemia, and glycated haemoglobin levels (HbA1c)... click here
Domma menopause startup tackles taboo with daily libido-enhancing shot
A Spanish startup catering to mature women's health needs has unveiled a prevalent menopause symptom going under the radar due to its social taboo—loss of libido.... Read more
People can adapt to high prebiotic intake within weeks, says new study
Humans and our microbiomes can adapt to high intakes of prebiotic fibers, according to a new study that suggests potential for “evolutionary-based strategies to modulate the gut microbiome.”... Read more
GC Rieber opens $75M sustainable omega-3 plant
GC Rieber VivoMega has opened its new omega-3 manufacturing facility campus in Norway, allowing it to double output of its triglyceride marine omega-3s and certified vegan algal oils.... Read more
How brands are capitalising on gut health
Gut health is proving to be hugely popular with consumers and enormously profitable for food and beverage manufacturers. In financial terms, it’s the gift that keeps on giving.... Read more
Danone gets hands-on with precision fermentation
The French dairy major is adopting a ground-up approach in a new partnership that aims to unlock bottlenecks in the precision fermentation space.... Read more
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EFSA establishes new safe level for iron intake
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has not been able to establish a tolerable upper intake (TUI) level for iron but has agreed a 'safe level' of 40 mg per day for adults.... Read more
Pre- and probiotics may impact social-decision making: Study
The ability of synbiotic supplementation to modulate the gut microbiome and increase its diversity may influence our social-decision making and increase our sense of fairness, says a new study.... Read more
New data drives home cognitive benefits of Noogandha
Specnova's Noogandha ashwagandha ingredient can improve short-term memory, attention, vigilance and reaction times in healthy men and women, according to new research.... Read more
Unleashing the power of magnesium for an active lifestyle
Magnesium, also known as the mindfulness mineral, is currently gaining popularity as people seek new ways to relax. It is becoming a key ingredient in products designed to improve muscle relaxation for better sleep.
Proteins for all: essential in sports from amateur to professional levels
The webinar "Proteins for all: essential in sports from amateur to professional levels" explores the crucial role of proteins in sports at all levels.
Women's health
Women’s health has hit the mainstream headline of late, thanks to a positive mix of improved scientific interest, celeb-backed campaigns, retailer focus, and heightened brand and consumer interest. These elements have led to some fascinating insights into how women’s physiology differs from men’s and, with...
Voluntary communication on food supplement
There are many possibilities in terms of communication within the European Union and several regulations to check. Food Chain ID's expert will review the main provisions for claims and communication in Europe. Firstly, we will analyze Regulation (EC) 1924/2006 on nutrition and Health Claims identifying...
How to reduce crosslinking and ensure fast dissolution in soft caps
Crosslinking is a natural phenomenon occurring in gelatin that negatively impacts soft capsules, reducing their stability and prolonging their dissolution time.
How does Keratin hydrolysate improve Skin, hair, and nails beauty?
Register at our webinar to discover more about this ingredient and exchange about your nutricosmetic challenges.
Five years from now, how will AI have changed the food industry?
One would be hard pressed to find an industry that artificial intelligence isn’t disrupting, and food is no exception.... Read more
Nine in 10 Vietnamese women see prenatal supplements as beneficial but sceptical of safety
As many as 94 per cent of Vietnamese women who took part in a study conducted by Bayer perceived prenatal supplements as “moderately to highly beneficial”. However, less than half of them perceived such supplements as safe.... Read more
'Supplements and skincare': FANCL acquisition could bring synergies across R&D and market presence, says Kirin
Major Japanese brewery Kirin says acquiring FANCL could bring synergies across new product development and market expansion for both supplements and skincare.... Read more
Optimise your Vitamin C Food Supplement with PureWay-C<sup>®</sup>
Optimise your Vitamin C Food Supplement with PureWay-C®
PureWay-C® offers advanced Vitamin C due to its patented composition. Research shows it outperforms other forms of Vitamin C, ensuring higher retention, enhanced antioxidant capacity, improved neuron stimulation, faster fibroblast wound healing, and more... click here
Sudeep Nutrition launches Lipoboost liposomal ingredients
Lactium and L-theanine study highlights gut microbiome's role in sleep quality
Study: Probiotic and multivit benefits heartburn sufferers
Beet supplements may reduce post-exercise inflammation, boost recovery: RCT
Does one dose of creatine supplementation fit all?
Bacognize®: Natural, Clean label Solution for Brain Energy, Focus and Mood
New clinical data for CERAMOSIDES™ and SEPITONE™
Formulas to BUILD a Foundation for Healthy Living
Gencor's female-centric ingredients for women to empower women
Nextida: Precision where it matters
New digestive wellness solution with clinical evidence
Unlocking Advanced Vitamin C Absorption: The Power of PureWay-C® and Liposomal PureWay-C®
Free to age your way: to BUILD, MAINTAIN and ENJOY
Women's Health For All Life Stages
Survey Report: State of the Supplements, Health & Nutrition Sector in Europe 2024
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William Reed