TODAY'S TOP STORIES - November 24, 2016

Trump's Disastrous Education Pick: A Billionaire Heir of Right-Wing Dynasty and Champion of School Privatization Efforts

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Couldn't be a worse pick. READ MORE»

Stop Calling It the Alt-Right

By Jeremy Sherman, AlterNet

The right-wing movement doesn’t deserve such a neutral description. READ MORE»

It's Starting: Green Party Launches Fundraising Drive for Presidential Recounts in WI, PA and MI

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Green Party says it needs to raise $5-6 million with filing deadlines days away. READ MORE»

Sanders Kicks off Controversy Over Identity Politics in the Democratic Party

By Brendan Gauthier, Salon

Sanders wasn't suggesting Democrats "ditch" identity politics or separate class from race, but rather the opposite. READ MORE»

Trump's Pick for Attorney General Could Be Big Boost to Monsanto

By Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch

Senator Jeff Sessions' appointment would be good news for the pending Bayer-Monsanto mega-merger. READ MORE»

No Thanks for Thanksgiving

By Robert Jensen, AlterNet

Instead, we should atone for the genocide that was incited -- and condoned -- by the very men we idolize as our 'heroic' founding fathers. READ MORE»

There's Already a Big Gap Between Trump's Promises to the Middle Class and His Policies

By Josh Bivens, Economic Policy Institute

Now that more plans and potential cabinet appointments are coming into focus, it looks worse than many of us thought even before the election. READ MORE»

How Republicans Intend to Kill Obamacare

By Bill Berkowitz, Buzzflash at Truthout

Don't fall for a "reconciliation bill." It's a slow process, but it a killing just the same.  READ MORE»

This Is What Thanksgiving for the 1% Looks Like

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The most expensive Thanksgiving dinner reported in America costs $50,000.  READ MORE»

10 Retailers You Should Think Twice About Buying From on Black Friday

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Abercrombie and Fitch, Macy's, Walmart and Zara top the list.  READ MORE»

Jim Hightower: When The Mourning is Over, Join the Revolution

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

It's time to build on progress and grassroots structures of Sanders' seminal run. READ MORE»

An Under-the-Radar Historic Victory Against GOP Attempts to Control Who Gets Elected

By Mary Bottari, Center for Media and Democracy

The ruling comes in the aftermath of an ugly partisan power-grab that generated headlines in the state for years.  READ MORE»

The Man Who Predicted Trump Now Predicts He Will Fail

By Thom Hartmann, Thom Hartmann Show

Here's why. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Tom Tomorrow on What We Have to Be Grateful For This Thanksgiving

By Tom Tomorrow, AlterNet

Warning: Post-Trump thankfulness not guaranteed.  READ MORE»

Why Does Pet Care Cost So Much?

By Sam Pizzigati, OtherWords

What the cost of caring for our pets can teach us about the cost of caring for humans. READ MORE»

IRS Docs Show Bannon Paid Himself, 'Clinton Cash' Author and Breitbart From Nonprofit Fund

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Who's crooked now? READ MORE»

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