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Don't leave that group text just yet.

We hear a lot about the potential dangers of screentime these days. Our eyes are straining due to blue light. Constant news intake is increasing our anxiety. And social media is negatively affecting everything from our sleep patterns to our relationships.

Though we need to develop habits that keep us from being over-connected, what if there was a way to better steward some of that online time?

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit India, that’s exactly what Christian volunteers did. Entrepreneur Rahul George started a WhatsApp group where he invited friends to join him in helping people in need. The WhatsApp group quickly became several chats divided according to geographic regions, and the Love Your Neighbor Network was born. The network has assisted tens of thousands of Indians hurting in the wake of the pandemic.

While the work is rewarding, the Network’s efforts have required sacrifice, with some members needing to bury those killed by the virus. When George sent that first text, he couldn’t have known that he was starting a movement. He simply saw a need and took the first step toward trying to address it. God used that small act of obedience to spark purpose in other believers and to comfort hurting people on a grand scale.

While the particulars will vary, each of our communities have needs that could be better met through group effort. What might a group chat between you and your friends that’s focused on supporting a local food bank, foster care agency, or underfunded school look like? What may happen if you just send that first text?

Well, take it from George.

“Just do your thing, and God will add to the numbers—whatever is required whether it is finances or talent. The more faithful you are, the more will be added. That’s what we have seen with our eyes and we can testify to that.”

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Leaving a Legacy
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