Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Mac's Safety Space

Risk takes a holiday…not!

As one might imagine, I’ve had the chance to review a lot of different risk assessments over the course of the last little while (OK, maybe more than a little while…unless 20-plus years is a little while). One of the interesting dynamics I’ve encountered relates to the surveillance of construction areas, etc. and how those types of activities are administered.


Patient Safety Monitor Journal

Workforce planning’s role in patient safety: Part 2

It’s not enough to have a good thing in healthcare—you’ve also got to keep it going. This applies to workforce planning as well explains, Patricia A. McGaffigan, RN, MS, CPPS, a vice president of the Institute of Healthcare Improvement and president of the Certification Board for Professionals in Patient Safety. Workforce planning is the process of analyzing your current workforce, determining your future needs, and identifying the gap between the two. An organization should always be looking ahead to its future needs and goals, while trying to retain the successes they’ve made in the present.  


Inside Accreditation & Quality

Review EMTALA requirements as CMS encourages increased surveyor training, preparation for respiratory emergencies

Review Emergency Medical Treatment & Active Labor Act (EMTALA) requirements with your emergency departments, especially as the season for flu, COVID-19, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) has the potential to flood hospital beds again.


Healthcare Safety Leader

Smoke detectors should be at least 36 inches from HVAC vents to avoid survey deficiency

Check whether smoke detectors are at least 36 inches from heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) vents to ensure they detect smoke right away.


Medical Environment Update

Laboratory safety in 2024

It’s a new year, but the lab safety work continues, says Dan Scungio MT(ASCP), SLS, a laboratory safety officer for multihospital system Sentara Healthcare in Virginia. It’s the time of year when staff should look back at their successes and challenges from the past year, while also setting goals for the new one. And while some issues remain evergreen, there are always ways to improve upon them. Scungio shared his thoughts on what he thinks might be next for laboratory safety and the progress the field has made—or needs to make.





Contact Us

Karen Kondilis
Managing Editor
Accreditation & Quality Compliance Center

233 N. Michigan Ave., 21st Floor
Chicago, IL 60601



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