But Mitch isn’t budging and we need to get bigger and louder, fast.

Free Press Action

Mitch McConnell is holding Net Neutrality hostage in the Senate — and we need your help to fight back. Chip in $5 or whatever you can give and your gift will be doubled.


In the fight over the future of Net Neutrality, it’s you vs. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Mitch knows that the best chance we have to restore the Title II Net Neutrality rules is passing the Save the Internet Act in the Senate. And that’s why he’s holding the bill hostage.

But there’s a way forward: We’ve mobilized thousands of people like you to pressure him — and his fellow Republican obstructionists — to release the bill to the full Senate for a vote. Our members have signed petitions, made phone calls and showed up in person to tell McConnell and key senators to do the right thing.

But Mitch isn’t budging and we need to get bigger and louder, fast.

Don’t let Mitch win. Chip in today to pressure McConnell to move the Save the Internet Act forward. A generous donor will match every dollar you donate.


You know what’s at stake: digital civil rights, privacy, education, innovation. And with McConnell refusing to budge, an election on the horizon and daily assaults on human rights continuing with no end in sight, there’s no time to lose.

With thanks—

Carrie, Lucia, Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Passing the Save the Internet Act in the Senate is our best chance to win back Net Neutrality this year. It will take everything we’ve got to pull it off and we need your help. Support our plan to bring back the open internet today — every dollar you give will be doubled. Thank you!

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