It will take two minutes and make a huge difference

Free Press Action

Friend —

Hi again. Yesterday I sent you a message about the latest developments on California bill SB 911, which would create the independent California Public Interest Media Consortium and invest $25 million in public funds to create trustworthy local news.

Your messages to the CA Assembly members — and the growing support for SB 911 — have caught the attention of the lobbyists opposing the bill. They’ve redoubled their efforts — and if we want this bill to pass, we need to do the same.

Make a call to support SB 911 today and we will walk you through the process.

When you get connected, here’s what you can say:

Hello. My name is (NAME) and I am urging you to pass SB 911 to create the independent California Public Interest Media Consortium to support community and ethnic media and ensure Californians have access to trustworthy local news. Please support SB 911 today. Thank you.

We are so close to passing this historic legislation but big-media lobbyists are doing everything they can to stop this bill in its tracks. Make the call today using the script above to urge the committee members to support SB 911.

In solidarity,

Mike Rispoli

P.S. Too many California communities have become news deserts. Tell lawmakers to pass SB 911 to give Californians the news and information they need.

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