Dear John,

Studies show that women are more likely than men to support health care, communities, and families — all causes critical to the Covid-19 response. Plus, women at all income levels give more generously than men at similar levels.

How can you prioritize women in your fundraising strategy, build stronger ties with them, and boost revenue?

Join the Chronicle of Philanthropy on June 25 at 2 PM ET for the webinar, Why ― and How ― to Cultivate Women Donors Nowto learn what motivates women to give and how to adjust your communications and appeals to attract more gifts from female supporters.

During this 75-minute session, our expert guests will share real-world examples of messages that resonate during the crisis and explain:

Plus, you’ll get tips for finding and cultivating wealthy women in your networks to inspire long-term giving. 

Register today to save your spot.

This webinar is produced with support from iDonate. 


Lisa Schohl
Editor, Online Learning
Chronicle of Philanthropy
1255 Twenty-Third St. NW
Washington, DC 20037

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