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Fundraising Webinar
How to Craft an Annual Fundraising Plan in Uncertain Times
Thursday, January 14, 2021
2:00 - 3:15 PM ET
A smart and resilient development plan is essential to successful fundraising — especially during this time of multiple crises. It can help your nonprofit hit or surpass goals, track results, and change course if needed.

But how can you craft a strategy for the next 12 months amid so much uncertainty?

Join us tomorrow for the webinar, How to Craft an Annual Fundraising Plan in Uncertain Times, to get helpful tips and insights from our expert guests. They’ll outline key questions to consider when creating a development strategy for 2021, important steps to take to ensure a plan delivers, and ways to measure results beyond revenue.

Plus, you’ll get sample elements of real-world fundraising plans to help you succeed.

You'll learn:
  • How to set priorities but leave room to adapt as circumstances change
  • Why — and how — to create a strong case statement for each campaign including annual giving
  • Dos and don’ts for building a fundraising roadmap for the year ahead
This session qualifies for 1.25 CFRE credits.

Can't make the live event tomorrow? Don't miss out. Simply register today and watch the recording at your convenience.
Megan Contakes
Megan Contakes
Integrated Direct Marketing
Elliott Gaskins
Elliott Gaskins
Share Our Strength
Pamula Say
Pamela Say
D'Youville College

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