
Get advice about how to get started on a Zero Trust journey
Dark Reading Webinar
Thursday, January 12, 2023 | 10AM PT / 1PM ET
John, with varying definitions, variations, and approaches floating around the cybersecurity ecosystem, it can be difficult to get a clear view of what exactly zero trust is, what it means, and what it takes to get it done. In this webinar, experts walk through the basic building blocks of zero trust, the benefits, and what getting there requires. Learn how to distinguish the reality from the jargon of the moment and how to implement the right set of tools and processes to fit your organization's needs.

During this webinar you will: 
  • Learn what Zero Trust is, and importantly, isn’t.
  • Walk through the steps for getting to Zero Trust.
  • Get practical advice about how to get started on a Zero Trust journey.
  • Find out about common pitfalls to avoid on the way to Zero Trust.
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Webinar sponsored by:
Executive Director of Cyber Threat Intelligence

VP Security Strategy
Dark Reading
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