TV personality Khanyi Mbau in a statement to Channel24 said she is "home safe and sound" after her partner, Kudzai Mushonga, on Tuesday, expressed concern on Instagram when he was unable to locate Khanyi after dropping her off at a salon in Dubai.
In an Instagram Stories post, the Zimbabwean businessman said that he had dropped Khanyi off at a salon in Dubai at 18:00, where the couple had been on vacation for several weeks. According to Kudzai, after numerous failed attempts to reach her, he took to social media at 03:00 to express worry, after which she responded, saying she was "in the building".
However, Khanyi, later in an Instagram post, revealed that she was in fact in Johannesburg, posting a photo of herself at her father's grave.
"Dear Dad. It gets real up here. Thank you all for your texts, messages and genuine concern. I am home, safe and okay," she captioned the photo.
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