Plus, why D.C.'s influence peddlers are worried about Biden, and more...
October 28, 2020
Donald Trump Doesn’t Have a Second Act

Defeated by the pandemic and bereft of ideas, the president’s pathetic nostalgia tour staggers to the end of the line.

By Osita Nwanevu


Beltway Lobbyists Are Clutching Their Pearls Over Biden’s Ethics Reforms He’s threatened to jam Washington’s revolving door, and the influence-peddlers are in hysterics.By Jeff Hauser and David Segal
The Myths Fueling Today’s Armed RightHow the NRA seeded the storylines animating the violent groups that will be patrolling this year’s electionBy Frank Smyth
Are You Fracking Kidding Me, Trump?The president’s latest electoral Hail Mary: He’s considering ordering federal agencies to produce a report on fracking that will emerge months after the election and which no one will read.By Kate Aronoff


Pandemic Fatigue Is Just Exhaustion in the Face of a Failed StateAmericans are increasingly frustrated by the obligation to ride out a global disaster on their own. They have every reason to be.By J.C. Pan
Car Companies Have Been Knowingly Screwing the Planet for Half a CenturyFord and GM knew about climate change 50 years ago—and have spent decades since then funding denial and inaction.By Kate Aronoff
Getting Out the Vote in the Maze of Mass Incarceration Denying people the vote is presumed—wrongly—to be part of the deprivation of being locked up.By Melissa Gira Grant


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