TODAY'S TOP STORIES - May 10, 2017

Donald Trump Has Compromised Our Democracy—We Must Have a Special Prosecutor

By Bill Moyers, Michael Winship,

The firing of FBI director James Comey makes an independent investigation of Trump and Russia more important than ever. READ MORE»

Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart Issue a Grave Warning to America After James Comey's Ouster

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Neither comedian could mask his concern during the pair's "Daily Show" reunion Tuesday. READ MORE»

Firing James Comey Won't Remove Trump from the Blast Radius of the Russia Scandal

By Jill Abramson, The Guardian

Unless an independent prosecutor takes over the FBI investigation, the whiff of a cover-up will not go away. READ MORE»

WATCH: Reporter Arrested for 'Trying to Ask Tom Price Questions' About GOP's Obamacare Repeal

By Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story, AlterNet Staff

A citizen's watch group posted video of the incident on Twitter. READ MORE»

Elizabeth Warren Connects the Dots on Trump's Firings: 'It's Pretty Clear What's Going On'

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"Donald Trump doesn't want anyone coming anyplace close to an active investigation." READ MORE»

New Anti-Immigrant Law in Texas Is So Bad the ACLU Issues a Travel Advisory

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Even the state's sheriffs and police chiefs oppose it. READ MORE»

Fox & Friends' Propagandistic Coverage of James Comey's Firing, in 17 Shameless Chyrons

By Matt Gertz, Media Matters

It's not the president's favorite news show for nothing. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Matt Bors on Health Care in 2036

By Matt Bors, AlterNet

Earth will be full of shanty towns, and the best doctors are only available on the Moon.  READ MORE»

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