Plus, why it’s too early to worry about the 2024 election, and more…
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August 29, 2022
Donald Trump Is Increasingly Cornered, and Yes, This Should Terrify You
While the path to accountability must be pursued, let’s not kid ourselves: Storm and stress await us all.
by Michael Tomasky
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The IRS has lost its ability to investigate tax-exempt organizations. What will that mean for our political system?
by Jasper Craven
Is Biden running? Is Harris ready? The Democratic donor class needs to chill, baby, chill.
by Walter Shapiro
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is the latest Republican to claim woke capitalists are discriminating against fossil fuels.
by Kate Aronoff
The Texas senator’s recent complaint about the Inflation Reduction Act accidentally told the truth about the court’s war against the administrative state.
by Jason Linkins
From the Archives:
How did facial hair win American men’s hearts and minds? Thank the war on terror.

by Adrian Bonenberger, Adam Weinstein


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