Plus, long-awaited help for Afghan evacuees, and more…
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August 10, 2022
Donald Trump Is Not Above the Law
Conservatives are complaining that the FBI’s search of Mar-a-Lago was an egregious abuse of power. But the former president is just a Florida Man now.
by Matt Ford
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While the conservative Wyoming congresswoman—and unlikely hero for many Democrats—is likely to lose her seat in Congress, she won't be quitting the political scene any time soon.
by Daniel Strauss and Alex Shephard
Civil rights leader and commentator Maya Wiley speaks with Michael Tomasky about the FBI raid of Trump’s Florida home, the fallout, and the potential for violence.
by Michael Tomasky
After months of delay, a bipartisan group of senators have introduced a measure that would end the paralyzing uncertainty faced by those we promised to find a new home.
by Grace Segers
Republicans only care about law enforcement when it targets their political enemies.
by Alex Shephard
A major paper debunking the “serotonin hypothesis” has a lot of people agitated. But leaving more room for nuance in our discussions about mental health is the right idea.
by Eleanor Cummins
From the archives:
They hate the establishment. They want to destroy the system. Meet the illiberal upstarts trying to remake conservatism.
by Sam Adler-Bell
The Politics of Everything podcast:
Since 2007, Romania has lost between half and two-thirds of its virgin forest. The environmentalists and activists trying to protect it keep getting killed.

by The Politics of Everything


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