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July 30, 2020
The president’s call for a delayed election points to his own deep-seated insecurities, not the imminent collapse of our electoral democracy.
By Matt Ford
All Police Can Be Secret Police

Local democratic officials denounce the feds when they act with impunity, but their own police departments use many of the same tactics.

By Melissa Gira Grant
The 2020 Election Doesn’t Really Matter to Republicans

The GOP is mostly insulated from the consequences that voters might be inclined to dole out in November.

By Osita Nwanevu
Panic in the White House as Staffers Discover There Is Some Sort of Pandemic Happening

The Trump administration: They’re just like us!

By Libby Watson
Bolivia’s Covid-19 Election Nightmare Is a Warning

The world should be paying close attention to the country’s decision to postpone the vote.

By Andre Pagliarini 
The Coronavirus Is Blowing Up Our Best Response to the Opioid Crisis

“Any gains we made in funding for health departments, syringe exchanges, naloxone distribution—it’s all at risk.”

By Zachary Siegel
The Worst Answer to Climate Anxiety: Wellness

Americans have become adept at prioritizing self-care over solidarity.

By Eleanor Cummins
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