Plus, the bureacratic mess of unemployment assistance, and more...
September 8, 2020
Donald Trump Is the Military-Industrial Complex

The president says the generals hate him because he ends endless wars. That ain't it, chief.

By Adam Weinstein


My 98 Days in Unemployment Purgatory As a reporter covering unemployment, I thought I knew everything I needed to get by. Then I was laid off.By Clio Chang
The American Horror of Hooding “Spit hoods” are torture, and Daniel Prude is only the latest victim.By Tasha Williams and Alison Kinney
The End of the University The pandemic should force America to remake higher education.
By Astra Taylor


Trumpian Politics Is the Greatest Threat to a Coronavirus VaccineThere’s no inoculation for what this election season might do to the vital science of ending the pandemic.
By Libby Watson
The Monsoon Season That Drowned Chennai, India Anjali Ponni Rajkumar saw her government fail. And she saw the stark divide between rich and poor.
By Kirsi-Marja Hayrinen-Beschloss
The Anti-Democratic Origins of Voter Prediction How the Simulmatics Corporation tried to engineer an election—and paved the way for the Cambridge Analytica scandal
By J.C. Pan


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