Plus, a wild story about one oil tanker, two tons of heroin, 13 assassinations, and more...
September 28, 2020
Donald Trump’s Taxes Aren’t Surprising, But They’re Still a Huge Deal

Why the New York Times bombshell is so important

By Alex Shephard


The Vampire Ship How the seizure of Europe's largest heroin shipment created bloody fallout throughout the world—and sparked still-raging political corruption scandals in Turkey, Greece, and the Middle EastBy Alexander Clapp
Amy Coney Barrett Wants Felons to Have Guns, but Not VotesA little-regarded dissent written by Donald Trump’s new Supreme Court nominee could have a huge impact on voting rights.
By Matt Ford
Our Plutocratic Tax System Was Built for Rich Cheaters The Times exposé was a blunt articulation of how things work for people like Trump—and against everyone else.By J.C. Pan


How Corporations Scam Their Shareholders and Screw Over Workers C-suite executives use share buybacks to manipulate stock prices for their own benefit, and no one else’s.By Bruce Bartlett
Trump Lies, and the Media Abides He says his executive order will protect people with preexisting conditions, no matter what happens to Obamacare. That’s not true.By Libby Watson
“Just the Hint of Something Coming Here Terrorizes You” Hurricane Irma radically changed how Lynda and Tom Ciano think about global warming.By Robin Tricoles


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