The working class all over the world is renewing its struggle against capitalist exploitation and inequality. As the World Socialist Web Site had anticipated, 2019 has witnessed a continuation and intensification of the upsurge of working class struggle that was the dominant feature of 2018. There is only one publication that gives voice to the aspirations and needs of working people, reports their struggles, provides critical political analysis, and advances a program and strategy for victory. The WSWS is a forum for discussion and an instrument for the coordination and unification of workers' struggles, as seen in the February 9 demonstration in Detroit against General Motors' plant closings. A partial list of the strikes and workers' struggles reported by the WSWS since the beginning of the year includes: Europe: Yellow Vest protests in France; strikes by Berlin public-sector workers and German airport workers; Hungarian auto workers; Barcelona taxi drivers; Portuguese public-sector workers; the general strike in Belgium North America: The wildcat by Maquiladora workers in Mexico; strikes by teachers in Los Angeles and Denver; charter school teachers in Chicago; protests by teachers and students in Oakland and Virginia; wildcat action by GM workers in Oshawa, Canada Asia: The two-day national general strike and strikes by teachers and public workers in Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh, India; Bangladesh garment workers; Taiwan pilots; New Zealand junior doctors Africa: Strikes by gold and platinum workers in South Africa; mass protests in Tunisia and Zimbabwe The ruling classes are petrified by the rising wave of working class struggles and the growth of anti-capitalist and socialist sentiment--as seen in Trump's attack on socialism in his State of the Union address. Their response is to turn to "emergency" rule, step up anti-immigrant racism, mobilize the military for war and impose ever greater censorship and repression. Help us expand the coverage and analysis of the WSWS and strengthen its fight to arm the working class with a socialist and internationalist program. Make a generous donation today! |