Hi John,

It can be awkward.

There you are, on Zoom with your major donor. After 30 minutes you've talked about everything. You've covered her family. Her health. The things she's excited about these days. But . . . you have not ventured into the topic of a gift.

What do you do? How can you bring up the idea of their gift graciously, and stay on good terms with your donor?

Today I have a short video for you. Here's our recommended golden key to overcome one of the most awkward moments in fundraising: how to bring up the topic of a gift.

Listen here and let us know what you think!


PS: Raise Major Gifts in Virtual Times

Yesterday, we presented the last module in our new course on virtual fundraising skills: Module 4: Close Gifts with Confidence. We taught everyone the Permission Approach to Asking, the process for a Conversational Ask, the Oblique Ask, and the four types of Asking Questions. Lots of new content!

Robust Capital Campaigns - Right Now

The campaigns we are advising are moving forward vigorously. We're guiding them to close six and seven figure gifts - right now. If you are planning a campaign and would like a free strategy call, just click return on this email and we can set something up.


Our professional development community will have a special treat in August. I'll be doing Live Makeovers of their appeal letters. Stay tuned for our dates for this annual favorite in our community. To find out more and join this group of forward-thinking fundraisers, click here.

Have a great weekend!

Gail Perry

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