TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 13, 2017

Alabama Stunner: Democrat Doug Jones Defeats Right-Wing Extremist Roy Moore in Photo Finish U.S. Senate Race

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Jones' win reveals that many Republicans want nothing to do with Trump and Bannon's politics. READ MORE»

Increasingly a Necessity: A 15-Point Guide to Surviving Authoritarianism

By Kali Holloway, Martin Mycielski, AlterNet

Rule #1: Always think critically and fight ignorance with facts. READ MORE»

Alabama Stunner: Democrat Doug Jones Defeats Right-Wing Extremist Roy Moore in Photo Finish U.S. Senate Race

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Jones' win reveals that many Republicans want nothing to do with Trump and Bannon's politics. READ MORE»

The Crisis Ahead: The U.S. Is No Country for Older Men and Women

By Alex Henderson, AlterNet

Millions can no longer afford to retire, and may never be able when the GOP passes its tax bill. READ MORE»

Republican Leaders Aren't Even Trying to Hide Their Immorality Lately

By Nancy Altman, Linda Benesch, The Huffington Post

Look at the party's budget, tax plans, attacks on health care and safety nets. READ MORE»

PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Goes to Donald Trump

By Matthew Rozsa, Salon

This is the third year in a row that either Trump, or something spread by Trump, has won the “top” prize READ MORE»

Behold the Most Blistering Major Newspaper Editorial of Donald Trump's Disastrous Presidency

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

USA Today sounds off after the president insults Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on Twitter. READ MORE»

Christianity Today Editor: Evangelicals Have Forever 'Tarnished' Their Faith

By Bob Brigham, Raw Story

The newspaper calls the religious community's support of Roy Moore "immoral." READ MORE»

Why We May Be Overhyping Terrorism

By Jessica Wolfendale, The Conversation

Killers are killers; it doesn't matter if the act was ideologically motivated or not. READ MORE»

In Major Cities, African Americans Have to Put Up With Especially Long Commutes

By Emily C. Bell, AlterNet

Gentrification and poor bus service are just two of the reasons. READ MORE»

How Coca-Cola Invented Christmas As We Know It

By Valerie Vande Panne, AlterNet

The fat old white man clad in red is a marketing gimmick. Let's consider replacing him. READ MORE»

The Republican Party Is All But Fundraising on Trump's Sexist Smear of Kirsten Gillibrand

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

The GOP is unapologetically disgusting. READ MORE»

The Global Crisis That's Creating 21.5 Million Refugees Each Year

By Todd Miller, TomDispatch

How environmental destruction created a refugee crisis. READ MORE»

We Saved Net Neutrality Once—We Can Do It Again

By Frances Moore Lappé, Adam Eichen, YES! Magazine

Just a few years ago, powerful grassroots pressure rose up to protect a free and open internet. READ MORE»

Much-Hyped Success Academy Charter School Network Is Perfectly in Sync With Trumpian Times

By Andrea Gabor,

Success Academy is at the forefront of an anti-democratic movement to replace public schools with charters, while curtailing government oversight. READ MORE»

Looking Back: The Biggest Domestic Drug Policy Stories of the Past 20 Years

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Progress has been made on a number of fronts, but the war on drugs still grinds on. READ MORE»

Is Porn Making Religious Men More Tolerant of Women?

By Suraj Radhakrishnan, International Business Times

Researchers are unclear if these men have a more egalitarian attitude toward women because they watched porn, or if they watched porn because of their more egalitarian views toward women. READ MORE»

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