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Doug Schoen: If Democrats want to win the White House in 2020, it's time to stop investigating Trump
Doug Schoen: If Democrats want to win the White House in 2020, it's time to stop investigating Trump

Democrats risk alienating the moderate and suburban voters who were pivotal to them winning the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections...

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Kimberley Strassel: Mueller's investigation is done. Now dig into the real scandal -- missteps of Comey, FBI

Americans now deserve a full accounting of the missteps of former FBI Director James Comey and his team---in part so that this never happens again.

Kimberley Strassel: Mueller's investigation is done. Now dig into the real scandal -- missteps of Comey, FBI

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Steve Hilton: Who undermined our faith in democratic norms and America's institutions? It wasn't Trump

We now know that the entire basis of the Democratic Party's political agenda, the establishment media's news agenda and the permanent bureaucracy's su...

Steve Hilton: Who undermined our faith in democratic norms and America's institutions? It wasn't Trump
Gutfeld: Idea-challenged 2020 Democrats reveal how phony they are

President Trump is more real than all his presidential challengers combined.

Gutfeld: Idea-challenged 2020 Democrats reveal how phony they are
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