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Twitter Wins NFL Deal for Thursday Night Streaming Rights
The social media site advances its drive to become the go-to place to react to live events. The NFL hits the growing number of households comfortable streaming video over the Web as it uses the Thursday rights to reach cord-cutters.

Today's Top Stories

Number 01

Trump Would Make Mexico Pay for Wall by Blocking Money Transfers

The candidate proposed to block billions of dollars in payments immigrants send back to Mexico if the government there refuses to pay for a border wall, in a potentially devastating move for Mexico’s economy. In other news, both Trump and Clinton are in the unusual position of underdogs in today’s Wisconsin primary.

Number 02

A Conversation With Panama’s Suddenly Notorious Offshore Lawyers

For decades, Jurgen Mossack and Ramon Fonseca have been the go-to guys for international investors looking to put their money in far-flung places. But even before the world learned their names Sunday the lawyers knew their lucrative partnership had begun to fray. We sat down with them for this interview just before they became infamous (and just before the prime minister of Iceland resigned).

Number 03

Proof That Shakespeare Wasn’t a Cold-Hearted Husband

The playwright famously bequeathed his “second-best bed” to his wife, Anne Hathaway. Now it seems the infamous text was a final alteration to the will, added a month before Shakespeare’s death. “The second-best bed was certainly not a slight on Anne, as the best bed would have stayed with his house,” said a legal-records specialist in London.

Number 04

The Office Workers Left Behind by the Casual Dress Revolution

Despite relaxed dress standards across a variety of fields, the jeans and T-shirt lifestyle never infiltrated such professional industries as accounting and banking. One accounting firm in the top ten is taking the plunge and touting the freedom to wear jeans as a recruiting tool.

Number 05

Being a Woman Will Cost You $430,480 Over Your Working Lifetime

The gender pay-gap has re-emerged following criticism from President Barack Obama that women earn 79 cents for every dollar a man makes, and demands by actresses including Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence and top women’s soccer players for equal wages. Unfortunately, talking about isn’t making it go away. The average American woman will earn $430,000 less over the course of her career, according to an analysis by the National Women’s Law Center, a non-profit advocacy group. No wonder this millennial woman found it so difficult to secure a home loan.

>From Ponies to Pony Cars
NYPD Horse Stable Is Now Home to $1 Million in Classic Cars
The beloved Classic Car Club just moved into a new space that used to shelter a different form of horsepower, and this time, the public is invited to come in and see—but not drive—the magnificent collection for itself.
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