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10 tips for sustainable holidays - Interrail train app - sustainable travel experiences - new resource guide  Logo
Young couple leans over map on train
© GNTO/Julia Nimke
Today we invite you on a journey of discovery to greater sustainability, greater enjoyment, and a more authentic experience. Sustainability is a trend that is being embraced with passion in Germany. More and more accommodation providers are becoming aware of their ecological responsibility, cities and regions are developing creative, sustainable vacation ideas and Deutsche Bahn is leading the way with 100 percent green electricity for long-distance travel. Discover Germany's green travel attractions!

Best regards,
Your GNTO team
Lübeck: Stand-up paddling on the Mühlenteich
© LTM/Olaf Malzahn
New Destination Germany Resource Guide
The GNTO is pleased to announce the new Destination Germany Resource Guide, a great resource for travel agents.
Germany is focusing on sustainability with its campaign "Feel Good', and you will discover helpful tools, useful facts and noteworthy articles in this guide, so you can advise your clients on new trends in Germany.
You can find the guide in Travel Weekly, Travel Age West, or on the GNTO website.
Download your copy here
GNTO Newsletter
If you're interested in learning more about Destination Germany and its current offers, please sign up for the bimonthly trade newsletter!
Sign up here
Heidelberg: Königstuhlbahn mountain station and funicular railway
© Lookphotos/Hanna Wagner
Sustainability in Germany
In Wangels: woman reading a book, leaning against tree
© GNTO/Günter Standl
10 tips for your sustainable vacation
With its rich blend of conservation, innovation and an international outlook, Germany is the best destination to provide visitors with exceptional, environmentally friendly and resource-conserving vacation experiences. Discover 10 tips on how to enjoy your vacation in Germany in a sustainable way.
More on the 10 tips
Traveling through Europe with the rail app
Download and go: to celebrate its 50th birthday, the Interrail Pass has been radically revamped and now comes as a paperless travel app for maximum flexibility. Buying your ticket online is quick, and when you're on the road, the Rail Planner app is readily available for trip planning and ticket checks. Up to 33 countries in Europe can be discovered in an eco-friendly way using the pass, and travelers can spend anywhere between three days and three months on the road.
More about the Interrail Pass
Interrail 50 Years Anniversary icon
© Deutsche Bahn AG
In Göhren: woman resting in garden; vacation home in Damp
© GNTO/Christoph Jorda
Sustainability pays
Even though Germans are said to have a penchant for perfection, we know sustainability is not about being perfect, but more about just making a start. Look for what brings you joy, spend your next shopping trip exploring vintage stores. Enjoy regional and seasonal cuisine. Take time to explore off the beaten path. Just get started and you'll see: it's worth it!
Watch the Feel Good video now
Exceptionally sustainable
Floating in a tent above the Saarschleife at night, taking an eco-friendly trip around the world in a single day in Bremerhaven, or letting spruce-tip ice cream melt in your mouth: a sustainable vacation will provide you with many new and inspiring experiences. Take a deep breath at the sight of the treetops at eye level, feel infinity as you gaze up at the starry sky, pondering the essence of time as you experience age-old traditions. Sustainability is fun!
More sustainable travel experiences
Mettlach: overnight stay in portaledges with view over the Saarschleife
© GNTB/Jens Wegener
Accesible Travel
© GNTB / Jens Wegener
© GNTB / Günter Standl
business talk
Sales Guide © age fotostock/Lookphotos
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German National Tourist Office
1350 Broadway, Suite 440
New York, NY 10018
Tel. +1 212 661 7200
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This newsletter is a product of the Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus e.V. (DZT) / German National Tourist Board (GNTB), Beethovenstraße 69, 60325 Frankfurt/Main, Tel. +49 (0)69 974640, info@germany.travel
The German National Tourist Board (GNTB) is represented by its Executive Directors Petra Hedorfer and Reinhard Werner. The GNTB is entered in the register of associations of the Frankfurt am Main Local Court, registration no. 5190. VAT Registration No.: DE 114 234 956
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